Question for early risers


Good Morning, I am new to the forum, and I had read several of you get up at 4:30 to workout. I too, am an early riser. My question is, how do you keep your energy levels up all day, and what time do you all go to bed ? I have 4 kids 8 and under, and by the time 8:00 pm gets here I am exhausted!!! Actually around 4:00pm is when I start winding down and after dinner, I'm pooped!!! I do exersize, and eat clean, does anyone have any suggestions on how I can have more energy?
I am in bed by 8:30 most nights. I need a solid 8 hours. Some days I do get tired but generally not. I notice it more after my period & more so in the winter. That's whan a 10 minute power nap is great!! There are mornings when I wake up sluggish, but I just power thru it w/Cathe.
What about supplements? Maybe someone else could chime in here. I started taking an energy stacker that I read about in Hers M&F back the 1st of the year. Seemed to help.
Thanks Ladies, the kids do nap and I generally try to get a power nap in, however the days I most need it is when the phone rings off the hook. I have not been taking supplements lately, so maybe thats what I need to check into. Yesterday I got up at 4:00 and did my workout, then around 6:00 I had planned on some cardio, but I was so tired I just couldn't do it. Thanks again for the suggestions.
i get up at 5 am and workout, then go to work for 8 hours, then come home and take care of my family. it's a long day. i find that drinking plenty of water and having some protein around 4pm helps me make it through the evening. i must be in bed by 10 pm to get at least 7 hrs of sleep.
When I nap (which isn't too often these days) I turn the ringer OFF! Otherwise, it seems everyone I know chooses to call me RIGHT THEN. :)

But I have found that with time, I've adjusted to the early schedule. Coffee never hurts, either. ;)
i also found that going for a brisk walk right when i get home, but before dinner, energizes me and gets me through the evening until our son goes to bed. i put our son in his stroller and go for about 45 mins. gives my husband a break (he's a stay-at-home dad) and gives my son and i some alone time. we get home and feel re-energized.
I'm up at 4:30 am to exercise and just try to stick to a 9pm bedtime. I start to fade about 3-4pm, but that is just because I am at work ;) A small piece of chocolate is always a nice pick-me-up :p

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