Question for Cathe about just getting started


New Member
Hi Cathe, I just started watching FitTV and just purchased two of your videos but have not done them yet. I guess I'm just not sure what ones are going to be best for me and what my goals are.

I am 39 years old, and I am a nurse and a firefighter/paramedic. I want to BUILD and STRENGTHEN my upper body due to the heavy lifting I do as a firefighter. So I want strong chest, abs, shoulders, etc. and want to build as much muscle as I can.

As for my abs, I want trim/strong/tight and I want to build and strengthen my legs.

Right now, I've been lifting weights at home using a home gym and free weights. I also do a Firm video as a workout. So at this point, I have a fair amount of muscle, but I feel like I'm ready to really start turning it up a notch. I still have some flab around the middle section top burn and tone so that would be my "bad area" if I had to pick one.

I purchased "Chest/Tricpes/Shoulders" and "Power Hour" on ebay to get started with.

What type of routine do you think I should start with in order to not get too burned out or work too hard too fast? I generally have 3-4 days a week off with my schedule to work out. The days I work are 13-14 hour days so I am too tired to do anythign after I get home. I guess I just dont know how many times per week to do videos, how many times to lift and do free weights, etc.

Any help you could send my way I would really appreciate..

P.S. I am also challenging the guys at the firehouse to join me working out with your videos! :)
Hi and nice to meet you. Your job sounds very rewarding yet stressful too. With all of your heavy lifting I would like to suggest that you also strengthen your back and biceps,as these muscle groups will be key players in the lifting process.

Since you already have Pure Strength Chest/soulders/triceps, I would suggest that you get the other two workouts with this series (Pure Strength Back/biceps/abs and Pure Strength Legs and abs). That will be a well rounded strength program.

Do each of these 3 workouts one time per week and you may want to throw Power Hour in as an overall total body muscle endurance workouts to aid you in your line of work too.

Also, my "gym style" workouts or "slow and heavy" workouts will also work in the same way that Pure Strength does when you feel you are ready to try something new.

I know your schedule most likely fluctuates as a nurse so be sure that you space the workouts with a day off in between or at least place them in an order so that your muscles have time to recover properly.


PS...Back/Biceps/Abs one day

PS Legs and Abs the next day( or take a day off)

PS Back Biceps/Abs the next day (or take a day off)

Then only do Power Hour after you have had a day off of lifting from the other three Pure Strength Workouts.

Good Luck!

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