Question for Aquajock


Aquajock, in a recent post you wrote that your weekend workouts were your longest sessions sometimes 2-3 hours (I bow to you!)I'm curious about your recovery after these long sessions. Do you take the following day off or do you perform a shorter/less intense workout? I find that whenever I do a long workout (1.5 hours for me)I feel "off kilter" the following day. Hard to articulate, but I just don't feel right. As I've gotten older (39) currently, it seems to take me longer to recover. My CNS seems to get fatigued more easily now with long intense workouts.

I'm also curious about your pre and post workout nutrition. What do you eat/drink before and after?


Hi, Alexandra! Thanks for your interest! I don't know if this answers your question, but here goes:

On Saturdays I do an extended 180-minute land workout, including about 75 minutes of cardio, and the rest of the time taken up by ab/core work and total body heavy lifting for all muscle groups including legs and upper body, followed by a nice long stretch. On Sundays I do an extended 180-minute aqua workout, beginning with about an hour of deep water zero-impact drills for mid-range cardio and muscle endurance, then go to the shallow pool with a friend of mine for about an hour and 10 minutes of upper-margin cardio, followed by aquatic ab and aquatic upper body work; also followed by a stretch.

On Mondays I do either an evening 90-min. aqua class ( which includes shallow-water work, deep-water flutter kick drills, aquatic abs and upper body endurance) OR an evening 90-minute land workout including upper margin cardio, some light barbell squats/lunges if I want, and then an ab routine. Tuesdays are my rest day, then another 90-min.aqua class. Thursdays and Fridays I usually don't workout at all (I'm trying to fix that),then the whole thing startd back on Saturdays.

I know some will flame me for this, but I prefer to work out on an empty stomach in the mornings; coffee and water are the only things I consume before hand. Afterward, a bowl of dry cereal mix (Cheerios, shredded wheat, bran flakes, no milk 'cause I loathe milk). I eat lightly during the days when I do an evening workout. Part of that day's nutrition has to include peanut butter M&Ms.

Because there's a good mix of land training with aquatic training, which totally varies the workloads and impact forces, I'm able to go for longer times without stressing anything out. I'm about 45-1/2 hears old.

Hope this answers your questions -


I, too, work out every morning without eatiing. I cannot workout with anything in my stomach. I have great endurance. Food makes me feel bogged down. I can work out for 2 or 3 hours with with awesome endurance. I just get my food in after I work out. By then I am hungry and feeling great!

Aquajock, thanks for responding to my post.

Oh yes, I was bowing to you before but now I'm building a worship alter in your name! Those workouts are intense and with no food to boot. I would not get past the first half hour w/o food!

You won't get any flaming from me though because you don't eat before hand. Everyone is different and you've been at this many years and have found what works for you so more power to you. And you definetely take care of your post workout nutrition replenishing your glycogen stores with the cereal.

Thanks again for sharing your routine.


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