Question For Anyone Who Uses Platemates


Hello Everyone.

I've got a Platemate question for you. I currently have two pairs of Platemates that weighs 2.5 lbs a pair (1 1/4 pound per plate). If I wanted to increase one dumbbell by just 1 1/4 lbs, would it work okay to just attach one Platemate or would that be too unbalanced?

For some shoulder exercises, I'm ready to move off my 12 lb dumbbells, but the 15's are just too much. If I used my set of Platemates, that would push me to 14.5 lbs on each side, which doesn't seem much better than 15. Has anyone ever attached just one of the Platemates to each dumbbell (rather than the usual two) and felt comfortable doing so?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
I use one PM on a db and it does not seem off balanced at all. With some muscles, such as shoulders, for me it's difficult to increase the weight even by 2.5 pounds at a time, so the one 1.25 is just fine.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
I personally would not want to add on one Platemate to a dumbbell for fear that the torque would weird out the lift.

Platemate actually sells a set that weigh in at 5/8-lbs each, for a combined total of 1.25 lbs per pair. Maybe you could invest in those, OR a pair of 1 or 2 pound wrist weights to incrementally increase your weight load that way.

I'm admittedly a nervous nellie about uneven distribution of weight load, especially on shoulder work.

I am currently using the 1 pound wrist weights method for adding weight inexpensively to my dumbells. So now I have a 6 pound, 11, 13, 16 and 21 pound dumbell for each hand if I want them.

I think you could use just one plate mate, after all, we're not talking 5# additional weight or anything much. Just be sure to position your hands a bit closer to the side of the dumbbell with the weight on so you can compensate for the uneven weight distribution (not hard to do with this small amount of weight).
I've used just one platemate before. The only problem I had was it was sticking off the end of the dumbell so it kind of got in the way.

A sidenote--I am so glad they have them in my gym! I didn't even realize how heavy my gym bag was until I took those suckers out!

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