Question about thighs and calves..........


I have noticed that since I started stepping more, and doing weights ie, Power Hour, twice one week and 3 times the next, that my thighs both upper and lower, and my calves are going up in measurements. Should they eventually go down as I continue to tone them with the exercises? I have noticed this about step tapes in the past and hesitated to do them but have resumed just for variety's sake. I also do taebo, kickboxing and a couple of different circuit training tapes including Cathe's Circuit Max.
I want to tone and define my muscles not necessarily get bigger in the process. Any suggestions would be grately appreciated.

I have huge salami calves. I still do the calf exercises though because I understand that as you lose weight, the fat stuck in and around your calf muscles will go away, so even as you build calf muscles, they should slim down a bit because you're losing weight.

For the record, even though my calves are still very muscular, when I went to participate in a horse show this past fall, my tall riding boots were easier to pull on and off, so my calves must have shrunk just a little bit.

I think if you feel you have the tendency to build a little too much muscle in one area or another, you should try backing off a bit and see if things improve.


Susan G.
>I have huge salami calves. I still do the calf exercises
>though because I understand that as you lose weight, the fat
>stuck in and around your calf muscles will go away, so even as
>you build calf muscles, they should slim down a bit because
>you're losing weight.
>For the record, even though my calves are still very muscular,
>when I went to participate in a horse show this past fall, my
>tall riding boots were easier to pull on and off, so my calves
>must have shrunk just a little bit.>IMHO,
>Susan G.

"Salami calves", that's a new one! I have a couple of those, too. They look good from one direction, but just look huge from every other direction. The last time I tried on a pair of zip-up boots, I couldn't get the zipper up beyond my lower calf.

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