Question About STS Rotation



I have one more question. I am full of questions tonight! When you initially announced STS in the fall, you planned to have a 6-month rotation that would repeat each week twice in a row. Is this still an option? The reason I ask is because my first experience with a new workout is usually a “dress rehearsal” to get familiar with new moves. Based on the blog pictures, it appears that there will be many exercises that are new to me. I get a better workout the second time around when I am more familiar with the routine. I am wondering how this will work since this series involves 37 different workouts. Do I need to schedule a month of vacation to preview all these DVDs? ;-)

Thanks to you and Chris for all your hard work planning this series, answering questions, and posting blog updates.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
You would just have to do each workout for two weeks in a row instead on one. Though this is a much longer workout it does offer the advantage of getting a second try on each workout and if familiarity is important to you it may be the way to go.

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