Question about free style exercises


Hi I'm looking for advice for following an upper body freestyle exercise program. I want to take a short break from following a video. What should I remember when putting one together? Is it three sets per body part? Should it be pyramid in style? How many exercises per body part? For example: Chest - three sets of push ups; three sets of flys; three sets of lying barbell chest press; 30-45 second rest in between sets.

Does this sound right? Thanks for the responses everyone!!!:D

Debbie - I am honored that you answered my post!!! I think I'd like to gain a little more muscle but mostly lean out. For cardio I thought about trying to do 30 min every other day or a total of 2hrs per week. I'm eating clean a little more regularly too. Thanks. Carmen.
Stick to a split like this:

Chest & Tri's: Do three to four exercises per body part. Do 3 sets/8 reps with a 45 second rest between each set.

Back & Bi's: Same as above

Legs & Shoulders: Same as above

Do three days of 45-60 minutes of cardio.

If you need help with exercises, let me know. :cool:

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