Question about DVD players


I've seen that some of you have multi-disc DVD players and mix and match parts of workouts you want to do from several DVD's to create one workout.

Is it really easy to do and worth the money?
I'd like to know this too. I often find myself mixing and matching different workouts. Is it easy to do? How much do these cost?
I have an Onkyo multi Disc player I thin I paid 179.00 but I have had it for a couple of years, Watch out though some of the mutli disc players don't program across discs.
Once you know what you are doing it doesn't take that long to program it just takes a couple of minutes. I use it for all my workout that have chapters not only Cathe's
Watch out though some of the mutli disc players don't program across discs.
I've also read that some program across discs for CD's, but not for DVD's (not sure if that's true, but it's possible manufacturers assume there is no need to program across DVD's, thinking only of movies).
When I first bought a 5 disc player I thought they were all the same, and the one I purchased a Sony did not cross program with dvd's and the place I purchased it from would not take it back.

I was also looking into a 5- or 6-disc DVD Player and found out that only few allow you to program across DVDs; mainly ONKYO.
I did a search on eBay and bought 2 ONKYO 6-disc DVD players at about $80-$90 each (second hand but in perfect condition). Multi-disc DVD players are non-existent in the Greek market so I thought "just to be on the safe side, get two...":eek::eek::eek:
Even if you don't get to program across DVDs (some of Cathe's have too many chapters- e.g. Gym Styles - and you can only enter about 34 chapters in one program) you can always move to the next DVD while you get a sip of water or move your bench or weights around.
I found out that programming a series of exercises across, say, 3 or 4 DVDs takes almost as long as doing it manually after you're through with a DVD.
In any case, using a multi-DVD player is definitely worth it - time-wise and usage-wise... Imagine what it does to the mechanism when you to open the DVD tray 4 or 5 times every day...
Besides, you can put up to 6 DVDs in them to schedule a whole week's rotation; that's what I do, anyway...

Have a look at these:
ONKYO DV-CP704 (this one has an HDMI output and is the latest model), and,


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I have a Sony 5 disc DVD player and love it. I program a DVD occasionally (it does take some time) I am not sure I can program all 5 at once. But when I use more than one DVD (which I do often) I just use the "Disc skip" feature to go from DVD to DVD. That works well for me as most of the DVD's pick up where you left off...HTH...:)
What Carole McMain McCheetah said. I have a Sony 5-disc fossil (circa 2002), and because the discs do pick up after you left off for several days (the number of days it "remembers" where it left off is specific to each disc), it's really only a moment's work to load up all of your discs, put the player on "play", "mark" the point on each disc where you want to start simply by beginning to play the chapter (and/or advancing to the point in the chapter where you personally want to start), then cycling back to the beginning and actually starting.

When I was doing strictly multi-disc mish-moshes I found this enormously helpful, especially when I wanted to start a chapter mid-point rather than at the very beginning (for example, I liked MIC's hi/lo only at the point where it totally ramps up to ultra-hi impact, about 18:35 minutes into the routine) and did NOT want my HR to tank b/c I had to fast-forward to the point I wanted. Plus, my hands were always sweaty and having to hold onto the remote for longer than a second or two got it soggy.

When I went from videos straight to DVDs with the multi-disc player I totally blew the ceiling off of my leg power and cardiovascular endurance. Well worth the investment.

I do a lot of mish moshes (thanks A-Jock :)) and I have a single disc player. I get them all ready and then quickly load them and hit "menu" and start the next one. It's worked fine for me

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