Question about Cardio Kicks

I've done both, and they are equally tough but I prefer Cardio Kicks and also think it is a lot safer for you (especially if you're working out on carpet)- the Tae Bo instantly has you raring to go, and some of the kicks are WAY TO FAST in my opinion (I've been taking kickboxing classes for about 2 years now on top of martial arts classes so my body is used to rapid fire kicking and that Tae Bo tape was INTENSE!) When I first did Cardio Kicks I LOVED how she takes your from low to medium to high intensity, I felt like I got a much better workout and was able to sustain it for the whole tape, wheras I "chose" :) to sit down for the last few minutes of Tae Bo. And some of those power moves at the end of Cardio Kicks were comparable to what I go through in my Tae Kwon Do classes. So to sum up, they are both tough workouts but Cathe's seems safer and it flowed better for me, Advanced Tae Bo was fun and a killer workout but it has a lot of very fast drills for short periods of time and if your form is bad I think you could really hurt yourself.
Thanks jillianh for your thorough and informative response. Have you also tried Powerstrike Millenium?
I like them both, and rotate 2 favorite Taebo tapes with Cardio Kicks one a week for my Kick Box fix.
Hi - I've never tried any Powerstrike tapes but I'm starting to think I should! They pop up all over the place on these forums!

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