Ques. for those of you who have done IT!!


Nooo, now, I didn't mean THAT;)

What I am wondering is, for those of you who have successfully broken through a plateau and lost those last 5 pounds, what did you do to make it happen?

I've tried everything, and I mean everything ... upped my cardio, reduced my cardio, upped my weights, decreased my weights, worked my legs 5 times a week, taken up running, took a couple of weeks off (huuuuge mistake), cleaned up my diet, done BFL, drank so much water my boss offered to move my desk into the ladies room, increased my caloric intake, reduced my intake to nothing - you name it, I've done it. With the exception of running (2 miles of intervals on the treadmill, 4 times a week at lunch) I do Cathe exclusively 5 mornings a week. I'm too afraid to do liposuction, and besides, that's cheating - tempting, but cheating nonetheless. Next year is the big 4-0 and I want to hit my goal range (110-114) at least once before then.

You all have taught me so much in the year that I have been visiting this board, I'd love your advice on this.

Many thanks.
Shopgirl :)
For me, BFL was the thing that helped me get to where I wanted. That being said, I do not use the scale for my goals. If you are gaining muscle, you are most likely putting on a few lbs also so the scale is one of the least accurate ways to measure progress. I'd try taking measurements or something instead.

I've been eyeballing HIIT for some time... Did you do it as a supplement to your regular workouts, or totally in place of other (or some other) cardio? It is soooo tempting to think cardio could be that un-time consuming... too good to be true, really.
juniorjet, I used HIIT as a supplement. I added it 3 times a week after a workout. They are so short in the beginning that you don't even notice the time, even as it adds up over time. I did mine on the treadmill after a Slim Series workout (which are somewhat cardio/total body like ME or PH). You really have to give all your effort for the high part of the interval. I was impressed at how well it worked, plus I never lost any of my aerobic capicity for longer cardio workouts after I was done, it actually improved.
Thanks, that makes sense to me! Seems like an easy thing to plug in when you can. I think I'll run it in the morning, before work, & keep all else the same. Seems worth an eight week shot. I have arguably little to no weight to lose, but I would like to rip off some stubborn as heck fat.
Have you ever done any sort of a Cathe cardio for your HIIT? Because of my chest size (tooooooooo big) I really can't run or sprint at this time.


Of course I haven't done THAT!!!....it could be you are at your set point and you body is saying no. The truth is that for some of us the older we get...the harder it becomes to loose like we used to. I am 45 and have struggled very similar to what you have done, except my eating was not as clean as it should have been. No matter how long I ran or did cardio or even HIIT if I ate bad the scale did not budge. The Zone seemed to help me when I was 39 for about 4 years, but I could not seem to stay on it. There had been some stress introduced in my life also which can make things so much worse. I gained about 5 lbs every year for 2 years and when another 5 was coming I had about had it. I read a post in Ask Cathe about weight loss. I even posted back and questioned the Dr about vegetarian diets compared to the Zone. I never thought for a minute that I would even think about becoming a vegan. I bought the book "Eat to Live" by Dr Joel Fuhrman and found out you really didn't have to cut out all animal protein, but after the first week I did and so did my DH. I didn't think I would see the numbers 120 on my scale ever again. Much to my surprise after 6 weeks I lost 16 lbs and yes now I see 120! I know you are only interested in loosing the last 5, and I am not saying you should become a vegetarian to do that. I just wanted to share what worked for me as I was about at the end of my rope and I know the frustration you feel...I will suggest though to add some extra fruit to your diet, and get plenty of water also....and by all means....don't give up...:)...Carole
Carole, I've read where you are doing P90X. How much of an influence on your weight loss do you think that has had? I know for me, it's all about the diet, not so much the exercise! Mindi
Mindi....I think P90X has really helped also, as my body had gotten used to the same type of workouts over and over. But seriously...I know at my age it is alot about my diet. I will say my DH has lost 26 lbs without exercise and just the diet, but then guys are different...I started P90X a week after "Eat to Live", so I really don't know exactly what to give the credit too...:)....at any rate, I am happy to see my muscles again!!....Carole
Hi Shopgirl:7
Do you like apples? Well that is how I got rid of the last unwanted lbs.... I heard on TV from a nutritionist, that not only were apples high in fiber and water and vitamins, but they are filling, and he was advising the women that he had on weight loss programs to eat a large apple with every meal.. because apples are so filling, you don't eat alot after eating a large apple.
Well, I did it, and still do it at times........ hubby is still buying me apples though going to have to tell him to stop lol...
It worked for me along with the rest of the stuff I do :7
Hope this helps................ Bless ya Rhonda:7
Thanks for all your advice everybody (and yes, I LOVE apples). At this point, I'll try anything.

I have been doing the BFL HIIT for 2 weeks in addition to my regular workouts and I look fatter (not just heavier, but fatter). I am wondering if I switch to the 30 second jog/30 second sprint version of HIIT, if that will make a difference? Carole I am going to check out that book and see if I can tweak my diet. I am so depressed, I didn't even workout this morning. It seems like all of a sudden my metabolism has ground to a halt. And what makes matters worse, we leave tomorrow to go visit my parents for a week, which means no Cathe and lots of fattening food (Italian family). I dread hitting the scale on my return. }(

Surely, there has got to be a solution to this problem that so many women have once they hit their late 30s. My sisters (late 40s and early 50s) just laugh and tell me to "get used to it" - but I know a lot of you have beaten this metabolism shift, and I am determined to as well.

Thanks for all of your help.
Shopgirl :)

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