Quad separation

L Sass

Hi all. Anyone have any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas on how to get that beautiful quad definition - where all 4 parts are so gorgeously defined? I keep thinking I don't have quardiceps, just "uniceps" UGH!
Like any 'definition,' I think it's a combination of muscle development and low body fat in the area, as well as some genetics (as in your natural propensity to deposit fat in certain areas or not).

Muscle development will come with a combo of weight work and cardio that works the legs (pretty much all cardio does!) and the lower body fat will be mostly due to diet and fat burning through fully-body workouts.

Spinning and biking against resistance (as in going uphill) would be good cardio to help things along.
Thanks Kathryn. Yah, I've pretty much got those basics under control. I follow a 6-day split, working each upper body group 2x week, and legs HEAVY 1x week, with various lighter leg exercises thrown in for good measure (think partial rep leg extensions, etc). I spin 3x week, in addition to my other cardio. I also have the diet - clean, clean, clean in order, following a body builder's plan only with calories to suit my body. Body fat % last time tested - was 16. Yes, my genetic propensity is to carry my fat in the pear shape. Still - I look at so many pics and I clearly see the 4 muscles. I feel like I just have one - ICK!
There are a few of the LB exercises in which Cathe says "this hits the inner quad" or "this will hit the teardrop". Don't remember which ones.

IIRC one thing that may help is how close your feet are together when doing squats? Perhaps playing with that a little you might "feel" the burn in a different quad muscle?

Might be able to do the same with toes pointing in different directions and with lunges too?

Just thinking while my fingers do the typing . . . :p

Have you done a google search? Might find something there.

ITA that less "fluff" on the legs helps the definition too. When mine are leaner I see more definition. Maybe try a freestyle type rotation to lean them out?
Hi Lori-

I think alot of what you are seeing when you say all 4 muscles is mostly increased defiinition in the front of the quads? I think the front of the quads is the toughest part ( well for me anyways, and I'm a pear) to develop.

Can your knees handle full leg extensions on a machine? If so, try those with a pause at the top of the move and then bring your legs down slowly.. its a burn like no other... I definitely love to hate them.

The other thing to do is wall sits with a dumbbell or barbell in your lap..those seem to work pretty well.

Do you run at all? That also seems to tweak the definition...although too much running seems to make my definition go away and the muscles just look flat.

It sounds like we train our legs similiarly.. 1day/week heavy. Are you happy overall with the results you are getting from that? I've been doing that as my usual way of training overall for the last couple of years.

Take care, Lynn M.
Thanks all. Lynn - I started training my legs 1x week heavy with a trainer about 8 months ago, and yes I am very happy with the results I'm getting - BUT those results are SLOW and come from total consistency - on the heavy weights, the uber clean diet, and the right amount of cardio. My legs are big and I'm sure I will never be happy with them. But my trainer (who has the same build) says that year after year, by staying true to the program, she sees results. I do what I call ATG, or a$$ to ground squats - with about 165 lbs. and my least favorite, but indeed most effective walking lunges: 4 sets of 25 with a 95-lb barbell, etc. I can do the full leg extension, but my trainer has me do a few full, then the partials, coming down half way and then back up with the hold you mentioned.

I'm training for a figure comp and would LOVE to see those 4 distinct parts of the quad. "The elusive quad!" Thanks again.

ETA: Jacque - you're right on the feet closer together. We use the Smith Machine with my feet way in front of my hips, and only about 8 inches apart, squat down to the ground and then push up. I totally feel it in my quads, so I know I'm doing it right, just...want...to...see...more.
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