Q. about Menopause and fitness danger


Hi Cathe,
I turned on Oprah yesterday and they were discussing Menopause. The were just about ready to take a commercial break and were mentioning what they would talk about when they came back. Said it was about a serious health danger for gals going through pre-menopause that were elite athletes, or very fit. Then they didn't talk about it. Do you know what they might be referring to?
Thought I'd ask you, my fitness expert. :) Thanks, Lora

I didn't watch that particular Oprah show, but I did go to the Oprah website (www.Oprah.com) and there's a wealth of info on menopause. I spent only a few minutes looking and didn't see any "warnings" re: athletes and menopause dangers. Maybe you would know better what to look for on the website...just my butting in here<VBG>!
I watched this Oprah while running on my treadmill. I was very concerned with what she said about the athlete thing, then she went to commercial. What I understood was that women that work out that are pre or peri menopausal that exercise don't lose weight and there metabolisms are very slow, it is hard to lose weight around the torso (abs). Estrogen loves fat. I am 31 and am now scared to death of this menopause thing...

Just my 2 cents and my understanding..
Hi Lora! I too watched the show and am concerned. I intend to get the doctor's book "The Wisdom of Menopause" by Dr. Northrup and see for myself if there's any mention of this in her book. I've been perimenopausal now for 3 yrs. and am on a low dosage birth control pill to keep my estogen levels normal and periods regular. I'll be visiting my ob/gyn on 2/12 and will ask him about this. I'll keep you posted on what I find out. Best, Kathy
I think the problem with elite athletes is they have such low body fat that they do not produce a normal amount of estrogen prior to menopause. Once they reach menopause, they have done considerabloe damage to their bones and perhaps their hearts due to their low estrgen production during the pre-menopausal years. That would be my guess.

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