Q about BG floorwork


I've been doing BG for an extra leg day for the last 4 weeks post-STS. It actually got easier after STS - yay!!! But, it still ain't easy;) In the floor work section when I am on all fours (leg ext, pizza press, hydrants) my non-working leg gets sooooooo tired in the hip/butt area. Almost crampy, from holding me up. The 2nd leg is always worse than the 1st, b/c its already been thru all the work. I had a time of abou 6 wks w/ BG last year and had the same issue. That part never gets easier on the non-working side. Anyone else run into this? How'd you make it go away? I find all my mental energy ends up going to that leg, making it hard to complete the exercises w/ the working leg. Drives me crazy!

Just wanted to say that I hate pizza presses, so I don't do them :eek: That's not the response you wanted, is it?
I hear ya Nan. I hate to say this, but I think that part of the exercise is feeling the fatigue on the non-working leg as you progress through the work. I experience the same thing but not to the extreme that you do. Have you tried pausing the dvd and stretching between each side. That might help with the muscle cramping.
I hear ya Nan. I hate to say this, but I think that part of the exercise is feeling the fatigue on the non-working leg as you progress through the work. I experience the same thing but not to the extreme that you do. Have you tried pausing the dvd and stretching between each side. That might help with the muscle cramping.

Yup, and it comes right back!! Its kinda a grin, grumble and bear it! But I would think it would ease up, eventually.

I could do tuck jumps and plyo jacks until I'm blue in the face but that floor work just GETS me every time. I feel like I'm going to die. :confused:
I absolutely LOVE the floor work in BG. I have knee issues so lunges and high step work kill my knees. I'm always looking for good leg work that doesn't impact the knees. One thing I try to do to alievate the fatigue factor is alternate which leg I start on each time I do the workout.

I also love the end of Kick Max. That lower body stuff rocks! Keep 'em coming Cathe!
You might try starting on the opposing leg to the one you usually start on. In a couple of Cathe's floor workouts (can't remember if B & G is one of them), Cathe starts the next move on the same leg the previous one ended on at one point in the floor work.

LOVE the Butts and Guts floorwork! And the rest of it!
I alternate sides each time I do the workout. It helps me slightly if I roll/fold up a towel and rest my knee on it while I'm working the opposite leg...makes my knee less sore when I'm done but I think the little elevation keeps my hips angled in a way that reduces (but not eliminates!) that soreness in the glute/hip area while that leg is "resting".

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