Pyramids Up/Down


Could anyone tell me if it would be beneficial to do the pyramids "up" only instead of the whole thing? I'm trying to get in weights/cardio in the same day.
Thanks for the advice.

I usually do this premix, as I like to do cardio and weights together also. I am not looking to really do serious weight lifting, but like it as an add on to cardio for some good toning. It works for me!:)
Thanks for the quick reply. Do you (or anyone) have any opinions on the bonus combo? I've never done it and was wondering exactally what it was.
I've done the up only premixes several times but have recently come off of an 8-wk rotation where I did the Pyramids in their entirety. My goals are always to increase strength -- not to lose bodyfat or weight -- so doing the entire Pyramids worked significantly better for me. If you feel you need to do cardio the same day as weights due to time constraints, weight loss issues or just preference, the up only premixes are a great choice.

I've only done the Bonus Combo once or twice. It's a good total body workout, but I prefer the up only premixes because the workouts flow much more smoothly and the PLB up only premix includes the floorwork whereas the bonus combo does not.

HTH! :)
Thanks for the info. I think I'll stick with the pyramid up only for now. I had a baby #2 four months ago and I've lost all the pregnancy weight but just need to tone it back up.
Hopefully this will do the trick.
Thanks again!

Hi Charlene,

May not be your question but I prefer pyramids down over pyramids up. I feel stronger with that heavy weight when working down the pyramid vs up, so I can use more weight while having better form. Maybe give both the premixes a try to see which you prefer. Either one is a great workout when you don't have time to do the entire workout. Pyramids is one of my favorites.

Thanks for all the input and suggestions. I think I'll give both ways a try and see what works for me.

Thanks again.


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