Pyramid upper body vs gym style workkouts



I am thinking about buying PUB but I have a couple of questions.

The dvd description does not say if the pyramid system used goes up and down but being as there are five sets per exercise on the dvd chapters I presume it goes up and then down? Is this right?

Also according to the dvd chapters there is only one exercise per body part? Is this right? I thought there would be more.

Is PUB the best total upper body workout or do you think I should wait for the gym style workouts?

Andrea :)
Yes, it goes up and then down. She does do only one exercise per body part. This dvd is very good. I did the down premix yesterday and I am really sore this morning. I really like this dvd. I usually only do the premixes, as I devote more time to cardio, but it's not boring. Maybe doing the whole workout would get kind of boring, but the premixes are perfect for me. The short ab section is a killer too.
There are really two exercises per body part in PUB done as a mini superset. Shoulders are the exception.. Shoulders have three exercises to hit anterior posterior and superior areas of the shoulder.

The sets go like this:
set#1 12 reps low weght (for chest it's chest press followed by flys)
set#2 10 reps moderate weight
set#3 8 reps heavy weight
set#4 10 reps moderate weight
set#5 12 reps low weight


AKA "Likes2bfit"
In PUB there are 2 per body part except for shoulder and there are 3 exercises, I will do my best here:

Chest: Chest flies and chest press lying on the bench
Back: Double arm row and something lying on the bench w/dumbell
Shoulders: Rear delt lifts, side lateral raises, and front lateral raises
Triceps: Standing tricep extensions (double arm) and french press
Biceps: Hammer curls and traditional curls.

For example, Cathe does a set using light weight, 12 reps of hammer curls then right into 12 reps of traditional curls. Next set, slightly more weight, 10 reps of hammer curl right into 10 reps of traditional curl. Then heavier weight, 8 reps of hammer curl right into 8 reps traditional curl. Next set, back down to medium weight, 10 reps of hammer curl right into 10 reps of traditional curl. Finally light weight, 12 reps of hammer curls then right into 12 reps of traditional curls.

So she does each exercise for a body part, changes weight and does each move with the new weight.
To answer the second part of your question, Andrea, PUB is, as you noted, a complete upper body workout done in an hour. The Gym Style workouts will take much longer to complete the entire upper body; it's a three day split. In that respect, they're very different workouts. If you want an extremely effective and time-efficient total upper body workout, PUB is the cream of the crop, IMO. I love this workout, particularly since there isn't a push up in the bunch, the core work is intense, and it more than gets the job done.

I really enjoy PUB.
It's especially great on DVD. You can do the entire pyramid, or do the "up-only" premix or "down-only" premix, depending on your time and energy.
this I have to agree with wholeheartedly.

PUB and the Gym Style upper body workouts do not replace eachother, they are complementary. You could work through the upper body once per week with the gym style and then also include one PUB complete upper body workout and you will have two very complementary approaches to your fitness regime.

If you can afford it, get both. I wouldn't ever sell my PUB to anyone.


Thanks everyone for your replies.

I do slow and heavy mainly at the moment but I do find I don't have time to do my entire upper body. I wanted an entire upper body workout I could do once per week and then another workout for focusing on specific muslces when I have time (e.g. weekends). It sounds like PUB compliments slow and heavy and also the gym style workouts when they are released.

Thanks :)
When I do PUB, I do a couple of sets of the S&H bi's and tri's to give me a little added umph. I find that this gives me a great workout and an extra little burn in the muscles. I've liked the results.

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