Pyramid Lower Body

Thank you for the info on your outfits! And thanks for the picture - you all look amazing! Can't wait!!! :7
I so do not believe Cathe had a baby this year....I think she adopted and just fooled us all.....

(Everyone looks fantastic in that picture!)
My favorite

I love the picture! The pyramid videos are what I've been waiting for. I requested it and Cathe listened! There is nothing more pleasing then having your voice heard. Its like an answered prayer. Cathe, you just GLOW with good health!

ok, this picture has totally got me motivated!! If Cathe can look that good after having a baby, then there is no reason for me to be sitting here on my butt!! LOL!!!!!!!!!! She looks good.
RE: Mine too!

Mandy, I was thinking the same thing. I went back and read my requests for Cathe's new videos, and no lie, this is what I said, "Imax II, a pyramid weight video, and a circuit tape with upper body work." I am not kidding. Granted, I wasn't the only one who asked for these things, but just the fact that she asks and really does consider our feedback means so much. That is why she rocks. Who cares about crappy winter weather - we will have the Intensity Series to keep us warm!!!
Jai is very muscular. She must be a mesomorph. I think she is the most muscular looking of all Cathe crew, including Cathe!
>Jai is very muscular. She must
>be a mesomorph. I think
>she is the most muscular
>looking of all Cathe crew,
>including Cathe!

You aren't kidding about Jai's legs. They are absoutley gorgeous these tapes are a must have!!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-02 AT 09:10AM (Est)[/font][p]HOW 'BOUT THEM GIVING US THE INFORMATION WE'VE BEEN BEGGING FOR!!! SNM is AWESOME!!!

I haven't gotten as far as shipping costs yet, but their "equivalent" pricing is reasonable!

If I didn't already have 3 barbells, I'd be begging for this one for Christmas!

I'm ready to take the next step!
I'm simply delirious...

...with anticipation. I'm literally going a little insane. These photos are incredible and I can't stop daydreaming about the new tapes. It's honestly like a love affair...I get giddy when I see new pictures and can't help myself to coming back to see them over and over.

Am I nuts? Yeah, I guess...nuts over Cathe.

She looks utterly AAAAAAH-mazing. And after a baby no less. Wow, wow, wow!!!! Everyone looks incredible. Cathe just keeps raising the bar and I keep on striving for it. She's my hero.

I'm dying for "the next step"!
Hi Cathe! Just when I think your getting some well deserved rest you've really been lurking on your site and checking out what all of us are talking about because you already answered us on the apparel questions!LOL Your amazing!! I was hoping that the mini step would've come out at the same time as your tapes because all of us will have to wait until their processed and available. I don't feel like purchasing something else and paying more than I have to. I'll do the tapes ahead of time but will have to make do w/what I already have. BTW all of the ladies look absolutely MARVELOUS!! I'm soooo stoked to do these tapes. Your the very best!! Love Ya! Kathy
I am just so excited for this series!! I get excited everyday to turn the computer on and check for new pictures!!! Again, everyone looks amazing!! Who needs help with motivation when you have these beautiful physiques to workout with everyday!!! Can't wait!!! :)
Sara :-jumpy

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