Pyramid Lower Body revisited

I have a quick question........I have PLB on video, and have yet to use it. I'm dying to try it now. But my question is you find that you do PLB (PUB too) as the original workout, or do you prefer the mixes on the DVD?


Hi Kim, I do the Pyramids as they are, in their original forms. I know some folks here pyramid up only. Either that's enough for them, or they're pressed for time. These are tough workouts, so however you choose to do them will still give you results. As you can see, I have tons of faith in these workouts.

I am loving the pyramids and I also do them as they are in the original workout. As I mentioned above yesterday was my 3rd workout in 2 weeks with the lower body workout, and the only place I'm sore today is my right outer buttock and my hamstrings a little bit AGAIN. I have never had the same workouts keep making me sore after using them more than once or twice. The upper body workout makes my biceps sore every single time also. I upped my weight for the biceps on Wednesday and couldn't even finish all the reps. I was so sore yesterday I could barely bend my arms.
THanks for the info!! I'm really excited to try these! Yet I still want to to try my new Legs and Glutes/Kick, Punch, Crunch dvd!! Hmmmmm......sounds like I need to devise a rotation!! ;-)


P.S. Pinky: I've been wanting to email you for quite a long time now, but don't have your email addy. Wanted to let you know that I truly appreciate everything you did for me a few months back, and I am making WONDERFUL progress.
HI! I have done Cathe for about 7-8mos, & you know what? My butt has never, ever lifted quite like this before. And, I used to have a georgeous personal trainer.
I can't believe I'm sore either!! This is amazing. I just finished about 2 months of Slow & Heavy and did my first PLB, standing work only, yesterday. I can't sit down on the toilet without extreme pain in my quads and glutes! I'm scheduled to do the floor work today, but will have to skip that, and everything else, until this soreness goes away! I just can't believe it! :eek:

Third day after PLB and I still can't sit without pain, and can't even think about working out again. When I finally go back to it, maybe I should start with 3 sets for each exercise instead of going right into 5 sets? Maybe I'll do the same for PUB.

-Sore and aching in Brooklyn :-(
I was sore for about 3 days also. I went ahead and did the full 5 sets the next time and was not near as sore. By the time I did the workout for the third time, I had only a little soreness in the sides of my glutes. It will get better.
LOL Nancy!! You DO sound like me. You reckon we both had a little too much strength work and not enough endurance. Seriously, I think that is why PLB is such a are trying go heavy, but it is still endurance on the account of no rests. I can see how after S&H exclusively you would be in pain..Ugghhh..... I feel for you!

If you are like me, you have had soreness so bad that you almost feel the you ever get that sore? A lower body day/Powerstrike/Upper Body day can leave me debilatated. Seriously.:)

I have recovered quite nicely from PUB but my hamstrings are STILL a little sore from PLB. I did that on THURSDAY!!! That is why I love is so hard for me to work my hamstrings at home to the extent of soreness. My quads get so much work compared to my hams. I had to take a rest day on Saturday and move my workout to Sunday b/c my hamstrings were so sore! This always happens when I go back to the Pyramid workouts. I will be doing them for a while now. Anyway...I survived!
Don't think I've ever been that sore, Janice. It's usually just the lower or just the upper.

I see what you mean about the pyramid workouts. Maybe I should be doing Power Hour or Muscle Endurance for a while?

The thing I like about the Pyramid workouts is that I can easily divide them into 4 days, splitting each workout in 2. I get better results when I break things down and concentrate on just a few exercises each day. I put SO much more into it when I'm not rushing. I love S&H because it lends itself to doing one body part per day and I can put my heart and soul into it.

I'm going to try doing just the pyramid up premix for a few weeks until I feel I can handle the whole 5 sets without getting sore.....

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