Pyramid Lower Body revisited


I did this one for the first time in a very long time and thought I was going to die. I started out with lower weight than normal since I had not done it in a while. Will definitely heavy up on some exercises next time. I was beginning to get shaky by the end of the deadlifts. And then the floorwork did me in. I had forgotten how tough it is. I couldn't even do all the reps. Afterwards I was so shaky I could barely walk. I hope I can get out of bed in the morning. :)
I love the floorwork on PLB! I like to tack it on to other lower body workouts 'cuz the ball work does more for my hamstrings than anything else I've tried.

I just did this one Monday, after not doing it for a while. I love that it concentrates on just a few exercises (but the "best of the best"). I was surprised that the weights I had used previously for it seemed a bit easier, since I hadn't done any heavy lower body for a while (just Legs and Glutes, and adding spinning to my workouts...but I've only spun twice!). I am still sore in all the right places (butt!) today!
I have got to get this DVD! It's the only one I don't have. I have heard so many good things about it, but recently receiving the BB series and maybe, just maybe, Cathe may come out with another series ~ I'm torn. I love all the premixes and music louder option. Oh what to do.....
I was so sore on Thursday after doing this workout I could barely walk. My hamstrings and inner thighs were killing me. On Friday, 2 days after the workout, they were still hurting. I work up this morning and the pain is gone. I can't wait to do it again on Monday. :p
I love both this and PUB. It's fun to revisit this workout after doing some of Cathe's other weight tapes and find out it still "gets you!"

Jo:7 :7 :7
Ok, I got it! I also ordered another step riser. After reading so many wonderful comments about these workouts I just had too. I cant wait.

Susan C.M.
Susan, you won't regret it. I credit PLB for this muscle on the upper part of my butt cheeks, which raised my butt nicely. And I started out with a lardy butt. It's a most unexpected and great result. It did take more than half a year of consistent lower body strength workouts for it to pop out. And like Kathryn said, it takes the best of the best lower body exercises. I love the PS series, but I actually do PLB more than PS legs because PLB doesn't take as long. More bang for the time I put into working out.

A lardy butt??? LOL! That one cracked me up! Pinky out of curiousity how many times a week were you doing lower body over the 6 month period to get the definition you were looking for?
:7 When I started out in May, I did lower body strength training twice a week with 4-5 step sessions scattered throughout. I alternated between PS-Legs and PLB, and sometimes did a session of S&H Legs followed by the leg workout in PH. Sometime last November I added Leaner Legs and Cathe's old kickboxing workouts. Then the BB series came out with L&G and KPC. Once I hit 45 lbs. on my BB I noticed my legs starting to bulk up just a tad. So now I alternate leg workouts with heavy weights one week and endurance workouts with lighter weights the next. I now aim for 3-4 cardio sessions a week (my post-Christmas penance) although I'd be happy doing only one or two.

The funny thing is, now that there's a bit of definition in my legs, the flabby parts -- saddlebags and inner thighs -- are more obvious. They're genetic so they probably won't disappear.

Oh my Pinky! You know the proverbial light-bulb that goes off when you hear something and instantly know that it's the answer to what you've been thinking about?! I have been so frustrated with my legs lately - they are much stronger than ever, yet I feel like my inner thighs (especially) and the 'bags are looking worse than ever! I must have the same genetic makeup as you (at least as far as legs go) because from the front and back my legs are looking better than ever, but from side to side - yuck!
What do you think we can do about this?
>What do you think we can do about this?

}( Siphon the fat out with some special device? But seriously, I'm still going to do lower body strength training once a week or once every two weeks to keep whatever strength I've gained (and try as hard as I can to eat clean), but I'm hearing a lot about the possibilities of daily leg work (endurance style). So I'm trying to get in more endurance work now and a bit more cardio and see how it goes from there. I don't know if this'll work for me since I also hear that "biology is destiny", although many bodybuilders swear you CAN definitely go against your genes. It just takes a lot of work. My worry though is my knees. They're starting to give.x(

You know how Cathe said she prepared for the BB series by using moderate weights for her lower body? I'm thinking of staying with 45 max for my BB. This is the point where I'm starting to gain mass. I don't know if you've come across the idea that pear-shaped bodies should not be doing weighted squats/lunges because the muscle that develops will only push out the fat that's stuck in the area. I find this to be true, but only in my inner/outer thighs. I'm liking my quads and my butt. And oh boy, I have hamstrings! But this extra fat, man...
I'm right there with ya'll. I'm also a pear shape and I hate my outer thighs. I was just telling my husband this morning that my jeans feel so good, but they look terrible. Yesterday as I was working out I was also thinking how I'm really liking my quads, but the outer/inner thighs look terrible.
Well Kelley, we might as well form a club or something...:) But girl, be PROUD. PLB is not an easy workout at all, and the fact that you make it through every time says a lot about your strength and endurance. Still, a special magic siphon would be great as well.:p

Maybe it's just me but, CTX Leaner Legs is much more of a killer to me. The CTX LL one-legged squats on the step alone make PLB an easier lower body workout choice sometimes on my lazy days.
I would agree with you about LL (I absolutely dread those one leg squats - they make me cry!) BUT for the fact that there is that stability ball work with PLB. Oh my! I always think "I'm almost done" after I get through the weight work, but those side leg lifts make me want to die.

p.s. can you tell I just finished doing PLB and my legs are still screaming at me?!
Hi Kelly,



I have heard so many good reviews on these tapes wow!!!.

Do you have legs and glutes I can't wait to try it.

Hi Debra, I do have Legs and Glutes, but I've only done it once when I first got it, so I can't really comment on it except that I really liked it. Right now I'm a rotation like Body for Life. I just finished week 2 using the Pyramids and cardio only on alternating days. Today was my 3rd time with PLB in 2 weeks and it is getting much easier. I still can't finish all the lying leg lifts as my legs get so fatigued. I've upped my weight to what Cathe is using and I think next week I'll be upping my weight for either lunges or squats. I'm thinking of buying a weighted vest that I've been hearing everyone talk about as I'll be up to 50 pounds soon and I'm not sure I can lift more than that over my head. My son is usually home when I workout, but I don't think he wants to sit in the room with me while I exercise, taking my barbell on and off my shoulders. :)

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