Pyramid approach?


Hi Everyone,

Can someone explain the pyramid approach Cathe is talking about for her new video's. Are any of her current weight training videos using a pyramid approach.

There are two different pyramid methods that are talked about, one is a full pyramid, the other a partial pyramid. These arent technical terms. A full pyramid involves moving "up" the pyramid, or increasing weight as you decrease the reps, and then going back "down" the pyramid, or decreasing the weight as you increase the reps. A partial pyramid is only going "up" the pyramid. A specific example of a full pyramid might be something like this:

Chest Presses

12 reps using 8 lb dumbells
10 reps using 10 lb dumbells
8 reps using 12 lb dumbells (would stop here for a partial pyramid)
10 reps using 10 lb dumbells
12 reps using 8 lb dumbells

Hope that helps!

The concept is similar to Body for Life. The weight training part is the same. I cant wait for these new workouts to come out!

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