Hello everyone.
Tonight was a late night at work, but my last patient cancelled so I was able to get home an hour earlier. I did 4DS KB/BC cardio. My arms are still a little sore, but I managed. Hopefully there will be no pain tomorrow!
Robin...I hope your little tyke went to bed early! Yes, unfortunately, I have allergies year round. When I got tested, they told me I was allergic to EVERYTHING in my area (pollen, grass, weed, mold, etc, etc) except for cats and dogs. I guess I am lucky b/c I have both. I told my doctor even if I were allergic to animals, I would still keep them and always have them. I just love my pets (and the ones I still want to adopt when I have more room)!
Tess...I know, it is not the best experience to get shots. It has taken me almost 2 years to reach the maintenance dosage (I still haven't reached it, but I'm close). I still get huge welps every time. Do they help you a lot? I am still getting sick!! I will have to look up the TM that you are looking at buying. Have fun shopping for one!
Gin...Thanks! I hope you are feeling better, too!! I have not had any experience with migraine medicine, but I know that so many medications can effect your heart rate--especially when you workout. Hang in there
Vicki...That is so true. I always notice a spike at the gym in January. I also dread going when it is so cold. It is so hard for me to change into my sports bra and shorts when I am at home with the heat on (of course, after the warm-up I am burning up and sweating like crazy). I bet your classes will be full again before you know it.
I have not ordered the new calendar yet. Only b/c I keep leaving my wallet in the car. Maybe tomorrow. Have a great Thursday!!