***PYGFO Sept 14-20***


It's a wonderful Monday day off for us here. DH is out on the veranda with his buddy slugging away at pull-ups on P90X. We're headed to the pool with the kids in about 45 minutes. Somewhere I'm going to try to fit in a workout but haven't decided what. My DOMS from Saturday's B&G is actually worse today than it was yesterday (but still not too bad).

Waves to everyone.

Good Morning!!

Today I ran and did C&W abs and will do SM#2 after school. Yesterday was week 3 of pushup challenge, SS and 4ds chest and back and Classical Stretch. The pushup challenge was a struggle for me, so I think I will drop to level 2 tomorrow. Still I did about 80 on my toes (with breaks) and 15 on my knees.:p

Thank you Laura for starting the thread this week.

Hi to all! Gotta run........
Have a great day!
PYGFO Check-in

PYGFO Sisters:

I am happy to see this check-in tonight. It looks like the Texas PYGFO check-in. I hope our other friends return soon.

Yesterday was a blessed day. Sunday is my favorite day of the week. After my quiet time, I enjoyed the 4-Day Split Kickbox cardio premix again. This is without a doubt my favorite kickboxing workout and possibly my favorite workout of any kind. Working out 5 days a week and resting on Friday and Saturday feels good. My feet were not hurting yesterday morning.

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! What a beautiful day! My Breaking Free lesson on God’s unfailing love started the day with a blessing. How great it is to know that He will never give up on me!

After my quiet time, I had a blast with the 4-Day Split Higher Intensity Step cardio premix on the floor. This is such a fun workout! I love the choreography, and I smiled the whole time. Why oh why did I not give this a whirl without a step a long time ago? Cathe suggested that I use a mat for my step during the Road Trip last year. I did not think I would get a good enough workout. I was wrong! I am not sure if I will enjoy her more athletic choreography this way, but her dancy step workouts are fun, fun, fun on the floor. This gives me a way to have fun and enjoy a great workout without wiping myself out or hurting my joints. My feet still feel good tonight, and my knees are not crying either.

I enjoyed the beautiful weather Texas is being blessed with after the stormy weekend. What a glorious day! The Emergen-C is kicking in, and my energy is starting to return with my sparkle. My skin is radiant, and my eyes are clear and bright.

I relaxed with a refreshing jog in the pool tonight. It was a great time to pray and ponder. I am feeling at home in that place again. I want to be around people. There are times when my home workouts are all I need, but I am longing for the fellowship of live classes again.

It is time to wrap up this blessed day with a warm bubble bath and a restful night of sleep. I am looking forward to Supersets in the morning. Sweet dreams!

Laura, I love the Butts and Guts leg blast premix. I need to try the premix you recommended Saturday morning. I hope you had fun at the pool.

Gin, I looked at that push-up challenge. I am not yet able to do ONE on my toes. That is my goal for STS!

Lara, I hope you and Finley are bonding. Please check-in as soon as you have time.

Hugs to Liann, Randi, and Robin. I miss y’all!

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

I am still here! I am having trouble posting lately. It seems like every time I start a post, Finley is either fussy or hungry. I am very tired!! Some nights I am lucky and get 4-5 hours of sleep. Most nights, I get about 3. I am hoping she will get her days and nights straight soon! We have her 2nd pediatrician appointment tomorrow. I think she should have no problems making her weight--She eats all the time!!
I have started back walking on the treadmill (up to 45 minutes now) and am doing light weights. So far, just light endurance work using 5 pound weights. They say not to lift over 15# for 6 weeks. I am just going to listen to my body and see what I feel like doing each day. It is so hard to cut back so much on my workouts. It is hard to believe I was working out harder and longer the week before I delivered than the weeks after!!

Laura...the pool sounds so nice! Glad you had a relaxing Monday.

Gin...WTG on the push-up challenge!! I saw a thread over on OD, but didn't get to read much of it. I think I may try it when I am cleared for more upper body work. How is school going?

Heather...Thanks for asking about us:). We are bonding well. I am already dreading the time when I have to go back to work. I think I will miss her too much!! It sounds like you have a good workout plan going. I know what you mean about live classes. I really enjoy Cathe at home, but every once in awhile, I need to see familiar gym faces. I haven't been to my gym in several months. I didn't want everyone looking at me while I was nearing the end of my pregnancy!!

I will try to check-in more frequently. I just never know what the day holds when we get up each morning!! I am thinking of all of you though. I will also try to get pictures up sometime. It may not be for a few days though. Have a great Wednesday!!
Lara-We are eager to hear from you but we TOTALLY understand the unpredictability of life with a new baby. Don't worry about it. Enjoy your little sweetheart while you have time! Glad that she's eating well. Good for you on getting back into workouts but doing it GRADUALLY.

Heather--Blessings to you in your journey. I'm glad that you are finding joy in your walk and that you have workouts that are working for you!

Gin--WTG on the push-ups. As soon as my wrist is 100% I may try that.

My wrist is doing better and better. It's still not 100%, but it's steadily improving. Lara, I've begun doing wrist curls and extensions with light weights and that is REALLY helping. Thanks for the suggestion. I have lost some range of motion in my wrist, so I am also trying to do some gentle stretches to regain that. I'm hoping that another month will bring me back to 100%. As it is, I have begun doing light weight work for the upper body.

Yesterday was CTX 10-10-10 and today will be CTX All Step. Haven't done those in AGES so it's fun to revisit them.

Waves to all. Robin, Liann, and Randi, hope to "see" you here soon.

Hi Ladies!

This morning I did Classical Stretch (my rest day).
Sorry I have not been able to post a lot. I am still not used to working these longer hours.
My family in Houston is still without power, schools are closed, stores closed or little food. I have offered that they could come stay with me (4 1/2 hour drive) but they say no.

Heather~You sound great, girl! So happy that you are getting back into the routine of exercsie and enjoying it! I remember when I couldn't do ONE pushup on my toes and it wasn't very long ago. You will get there.

Lara~Take care of yourself, mama! Give Finley an extra cuddle from me!

Laura~Glad your wrist is slowly healing. Enjoy CTX. That is one I don't have.
PYGFO Check-in

PYGFO Sisters:

My heart is smiling tonight after reading all these responses. This check-in is alive and well again!

I am alive and well too and celebrating another victorious day! After my Bible study yesterday morning, I enjoyed Supersets. I watched The Biggest Loser last night. I do not agree with everything about this show, but the transformations are inspiring. The mother and daughter in the pink tee shirts are from Dallas! I am a visual learner, and seeing what the fat inside my body looks like around my heart and lungs was very motivating. What a wake-up call for the contestants in their early 20s to hear that they were in their 40s on the inside. I hope they recalculate the "real age" for the finalists at the finale. It would be inspiring to see how this journey transforms their health.

It is party time! I am rediscovering the joy of moving my body and bringing the fun back into my fitness rotation. After my quiet time this morning, I enjoyed the Kick, Punch, & Crunch kicking and punching premix.

I am packing my meals and snacks again as a way to save money instead of wasting gas driving home every day. I relaxed and read during my lunch hour, walked to the court building this afternoon to file a new case, and delighted in the beautiful weather.

I had a blast tonight with my first live class since the Road Trip. My friend’s cardio boot camp class is over the top for me at this weight, so I gave Zumba a whirl tonight and love it! Fun, fun, fun! It feels more like dancing at a party than working out. The impact is low to moderate, and the fun factor is high. The hour was over way too soon! The instructor is very soft-spoken and has a super sweet cheerleader personality. She is not a drill sergeant and would not know what to do with a whip. I could tell that she would feel right at home with pom poms. I talked to her after class, and she is a cheerleader and gymnast. She told me that I am beautiful! Her dream is to open a Christian fitness center someday, so we made a connection. This class is definitely being added to my rotation with great joy!

I am so happy! This is not the emotional high that I have experienced in the past (only to crash and burn a few days later). This is more of a peaceful sense of contentment and joy. I feel safe and secure in the midst of storms and chaos all around me. I trust that God is in control, and I am not feeling anxious about anything. This is a good place to be. Having consistent energy is icing on the cake.

I am faithfully getting to bed earlier every night, and my body is rewarding me with more energy during the day. On that note, it is time to wrap up another blessed day and relax with a warm bubble bath. Sweet dreams!

Lara, please give your precious little Finley an extra cuddle for me too! I am sure you were beautiful all the way through your pregnancy. Did you take pictures of your belly before you delivered Finley?

Laura, I love 10*10*10 and All Step. Step and Intervals is fun too! I need to give them a whirl on the floor.

Gin, the key for me at this point in my journey is focusing on fun workouts I enjoy. I am keeping your family in my prayers as they recover from Ike.

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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Today has been a pretty good day for Finley. She had a great report from the doctor. She already weights 7 lbs 14.5 oz!! She is not going to stay little for very long!! Our only concern was she is spitting up too much. I guess she is having reflux. We are suppose to buy her a wedge/sling pillow for sleeping. Until we get it, we are suppose to try her car seat or bouncy seat. I am hoping it will help---I want her to feel better AND I really need sleep and this seems to be keeping her up at night!!
I was all set to walk on the TM tonight, but we took Finley and our dog on a walk. It definitely wasn't a workout, but it was nice to be outside.

Laura...I am so glad the wrist curls are helping! You are right--life with a newborn is very unpredictable!! Have fun with CTX!

Gin... I will be thinking about your family in Houston.

Heather...I only have pics from family events. I kept meaning to take belly pics, but it never happened. I am a little sad about it now.

Ok, done...Finley has had her extra cuddles from the PYGFOs:):)
Good Morning
It's 3:40 am and I can't sleep! I might just go workout(maybe):-/ Today i have planned to do B&G's the whole thing. Usually I just do premixes. I hope STS comes out next month since my b-day is that month. (I doubt it though):( I am super excited for it! Today I go to a comm. College to take a placement test, since I haven't been to college for 7 years. So i guess that determines what classes I have to take first:confused:
Lara Finley is growing fast! I hope her spitting up stops so you can get some sleep!Poor thing!
Heather I am soooooo glad you are doing excellent! You are so positive and it rubs up on me!
Gin I'm so sorry to hear about your family. That has to be so hard! I couldn't even imagine what they are going through! I will be praying for you guys!
Laura glad to hear your wrists are doing better. Great job on CTX. Never was sure if I should get that series or not. I do have all step and leaner legs. But don't really like the music on those.
have a great day!
PYGFO Check-in

PYGFO Sisters:

This was a peaceful day. Push Pull was my morning workout after my quiet time. I really appreciate and enjoy efficient workouts like this. Eating and exercise are a natural part of my lifestyle once again, and it did not take as long as I expected to settle into a rotation. I am not struggling with anything right now. I am thankful to be blessed with good health and life. There are rainbows and blessings on the other side of the storms of life. One of the good things about going through the dark pit of depression is the wonder of walking in the light again. I am finding joy in the simple pleasures of life. The calendar tells me that fall is arriving, but it feels like spring to me. This is a season of new life. I am experiencing a transformation from the inside out. I started sliding toward the pit around Memorial Day and was not fully delivered until my birthday retreat. After feeling anxious and insecure for months, feeling settled in my spirit is priceless to me. One of my birthday presents to myself this year was a set of 420 cards with Scripture prayers on a variety of topics like overcoming pride, unbelief, addiction, food-related strongholds, depression, despair, rejection, and feeling unloved among others. I am amazed at the power of these faith affirmations. I experienced spiritual and mental warfare last week, pulled out a set of cards and prayed through them after work, and found the strength to keep pressing on. I won the battle! I passed the test! I am learning that the storms of life may shake me, but they will not overtake me. God is with me! He is for me! I am gonna make it this time. Yes, I am!

I am looking forward to a peaceful and productive day at work tomorrow with my boss out of town. I am hoping to wrap up a big project. A friend is treating me to breakfast at my favorite cafe. I am not sure if I will enjoy my favorite blueberry buttermilk pancake or a cheese omelet or keep it clean and healthy with oatmeal. I am free to enjoy all things in moderation, so I will see how hungry I am and what I am craving in the morning.

Have a fun and blessed Friday!

Lara, I am so happy for you. Do you want to sit and gaze at her all day? I had so much fun loving on my niece and nephew Labor Day weekend. Little ones are so precious! I am keeping you and Finley in my prayers.

Randi, it is good to see you too! How did your college placement test go?

Hugs to Gin, Laura, Liann, Robin, and any other PYGFO sisters who visit.

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
I am about to do Step Blast. I was going to do CTX but realized that the only one I'm left with for the week is Power Circuit, and since I'm planning to do Leaner Legs tomorrow, I didn't want to do any leg work today. I had only the outline of a rotation in my head and was kind of winging it, and this was an "oops." I'll enjoy Step Blast, though. I'm loving ALL my Cathe workouts after being in the States without them!

This morning was my DS's special show and tell day in kindergarten. Each kid is featured for a week, and this is his week. He has gotten to take his favorite book, his favorite snack, an all about me poster, and today, a show and tell item of his choice. His choice? OUR GREAT DANE! Ha! So this morning I loaded all 3 kids AND the dog in the car and took them to school. It was a hoot. Our Dane is SO wonderful that she handled it all really well, but it was funny. I kept wanting to sing the "Mary had a little lamb" song about the lamb that went to school! LOL. I'm a little furry now, but I guess I'll sweat it all off! :)

Have a blessed day!

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