PYGFO in March!!!!

PYGFO Sisters:

This was another restful and fun Sunday. I enjoyed the stability ball segment of Stretch Max this morning. After the worship service, I went to Sports Authority and got a great deal on weights! The guys at the store got a kick out of me asking for a baby barbell! I found a set with 30 pounds of chrome and rubber plates and chrome handles with collars. The rubber bumpers are around the edges, so PlateMates will still work. The handles alone sell for $19.99. The last set in stock was on clearance. The storage case was damaged. The weights are in good condition. The manager gave me the whole set for $9.99! Even with the sale at Target on Reebok plates, I would pay more than that for 30 pounds of plates. I bought a set at Sears last night and was not happy with the quality, so I returned for the nicer and more expensive set at Sports Authority. The handles have a nice rubber grip and can hold up to 80 pounds of plates. I do not think I will be rowing 80 pounds with one arm! The set retails for $60.00, so I am very happy with my find! Plates are easier for me to store, and I can use them on my barbell too. All I need is an STS pull-up tower and the DVDs! I may need to buy a Troy Lite bar too after I figure out how much weight my FIRM barbell can handle.

Here is a picture:

I am a girly girl. I will lift weights if they are pretty. The sparkly chrome makes me happy. This is currently loaded with 30-pounds of plates (which is all I need for one-arm rows now). I can add more or heavier plates as I get stronger, the plates are easy to stack and store, and the plates can be added to my barbell as well. This was a better investment for me than a single 35-pound weight and a single 40-pound weight when I got this whole set (plus an extra handle and an extra pair of collars) for less than $10.00! I can take this to 40 pounds and up with the plates and PlateMates in my collection.

Joy, joy, joy! I am so happy. I do not know why I am so excited about new weights. I am a cardio queen after all. LOL!

Cathe is wearing very modest and conservative outfits in Ab Circuits too. I was ready to protest if she bared her abs and made the guys keep their shirts on! LOL! I am more interested in seeing their pecs than their abs. I enjoy seeing men’s arms, shoulders, and chest.

I was surprised to see a partner ab workout included. Do many home exercisers have a workout partner? Even if I had one who wanted to get out of bed at 4:00 a.m. to join me, I am not sure I would want to toss a heavy medicine ball in my living room. I have visions of it crashing through a window! I am planning to watch this bonus for ideas to enjoy with a friend at the club after work. I am not planning to buy a squat rack and would not feel safe doing a super heavy bench press at home either. STS may ultimately inspire me to make the most of my club membership! Wouldn’t that be ironic?

This is a free DVD with the preorder, so I will be happy if I enjoy a few of these circuits. The yoga does not appeal to me either. Pilates-inspired abs looks good. I will likely enjoy the stability ball abs and the non-equipment abs as well. Since this is a bonus, I imagine that Cathe is including medicine ball abs that do not require a partner. I do not use all of Ab Hits or Core Max either, so I was not really expecting every ab circuit to rock my world. Looking at the blog updates, it appears that the partner bonus is an extra like the squat rack premix will be.

Rolling like a ball looks like a blast! That is my kind of ab workout! I have not yet mastered the traditional stability ball pikes, so I am speechless after seeing this picture of Cathe performing one-legged pikes with such grace:

Oh my! That is all I can say!

Pilates-inspired abs promises to be a personal favorite. Cathe looks so graceful in this Mermaid picture:

I planned menus, finished my grocery shopping for the week, and packed meals and snacks for tomorrow. It is time to start wrapping up this weekend so I can recharge for a new week!

Oh, I had a blast with the 4-Day Split LIS/HIS double cardio premix Friday morning and enjoyed the Butts and Guts abs and the band segment of Stretch Max yesterday morning. I played in Open Discussion and forgot to check-in here!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good Morning Ladies:)
Lara I loved HIS Circuit, it flowed nicely:)I'm sore:) It didnt have any legs, I thought it would be total body. But i'm doin 4DS cardio power and gs legs floor work only.
Heather GREAT Investment for your weights!! Good Deal! I definatly need to get platemates off fitness My heaviest barbells are 20 25 ,40's! I think i need somthing in between 25 and 40's!!
I'm disapointed no abs shown on Cathe! The men would be great too. Her body just keeps getting better and better the older she gets! Her arms are completly lean shredded and very vascular looks HOT!! I just would love to see her abs!!!:(
Has any one heard of Leona Lewis the new singer Simon Cowell sighned on from the UK. She is beautiful and has a beautiful voice!! I'm getting the cd sometime this week it came out today:)

Today is my rest day. If this wasn't my 12 hour workday, I probably would have worked out. I want to take advantage of my returned energy while I can!! I do feel tired though. I just can't sleep anymore. Between me changing positions, dreaming, my dog, the storms, etc, etc...I don't really sleep much anymore. I guess I am just getting ready to be a mom:)

Heather...Your new weights look great!! I wish so much we had a Sports Authority or a Dick's around here. When my sister lived in Kansas City, I would always stock up at Dick's. It is not so easy to do now that she is in Chicago:(

Randi...I still haven't been able to get in a leg workout this week. I guess I will have to count the tons of cardio I did last week as leg work. Thanks for the HIS circuit review. I will put that on my list to try. I saw Leona Lewis on Oprah one day. She does have a beautiful voice! Let us know how you like her CD.

I am feeling very heavy right now!! My appetite was in full gear today! I am hoping to eat a little lighter the next few days!! I just got done eating 2 spoonfuls of PB after reading the thread in the OD. I shouldn't read those food posts!! My pregnant mind thinks I need to eat everything I hear or read about!! Oh well, it was protein for the baby, right? I also made organic whole wheat chocolate chip cookies (I added oatmeal to the mix) and ate 2 cookies with milk for breakfast. I am sure I will want them again in the morning!! I need my cardio tomorrow!!

I can't believe it is April tomorrow. This year is going fast!
PYGFO Sisters:

This has been a Monday all day long. Ugh! It did not get off to a good start either. I did not get to sleep until around 1:00 a.m. As a result, I slept through my quiet time and my workout time! I have been tired all month since I stopped taking Emergen-C and need to start taking something again. It was a dark and drizzly day, and it took everything in me to stay awake and focus on the task at hand. My boss went to a funeral and left me with a big pile of stuff to do, and he expected me to do all the monthly billing (which I was planning to do tomorrow). The phones rang off the hook, and I had to stay late to finish everything.

It was a super stressful day at work and not a good eating day. I ate out twice today and had sweet tea both times. Lunch was a plain cheese sandwich on homemade whole wheat bread. At least it was not MSG-laden junk. I was battling the blues and needed to talk to a friend, so I invited Rebecca to join me for dinner. I survived my first restaurant experience of 2008. We went to Cotton Patch. I departed from my plant-based way of eating by necessity and ate grilled chicken on a Nature’s Own whole wheat bun. The waitress found a list of all the dishes that have MSG added to them. When I asked if they added MSG to anything, she brought the list to the table and asked me what I was thinking about ordering. I told her to give me the list so I could see for myself. No wonder she wanted to keep this a secret! Almost everything in the restaurant is an MSG landmine, and this is one of my “safe” places. The soups, salads, and even the steamed veggies are full of MSG. My favorite soup is not an option anymore. Oh well. They do not add MSG to the grilled chicken, but it is possible that their supplier did before it was delivered to them. My clothes are not tight, but I am lethargic and a little itchy now. A plain baked potato or fresh fruit is my best option in a restaurant. I might as well take a break from clean eating and simply enjoy dessert when I eat out! The food was satisfying. I was craving protein after 90 days without meat. It took the cook several attempts to get the order right, so I am glad I did not take a chance on asking them to prepare veggies without MSG. Hopefully, I will not swell up overnight. Restaurant eating will likely be a bigger challenge than I anticipated. Oh, the things they do to innocent veggies!

I am glad I called Rebecca. Both of us are in a similar place in our fitness journey. We seem to gain and lose at the same pace even when we have not seen each other for weeks! I have more or less been in a holding pattern for 2 weeks. Avoiding food allergy triggers was good for eliminating the bloat I gained but that is all. It would have been too much to expect the weight to suddenly fall off effortlessly. Breaking free from this fat cocoon is not easy for me. I am up against hormones, genetics, and a stubborn set point among other things. I will need to cardio my butt off! Rebecca and I are starting a 40-day journey in the morning. I will share more details tomorrow night. Blessing my body with sleep is a top priority. I need to return to the club and start jogging in the pool again too. I bought some pink lemonade Emergen-C that will hopefully give me a burst of energy.

See y’all in April!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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