Good Morning!!
Hey Michelle: Work that lower body girlfriend! B&G, I haven't done it in a while, but I love it!!
I'm of course sitting here procrastinating as usual. I have to do UB, so I'm thinking of MM UB only, or maybe SS UB blast. I'll see how I feel when I get down to the basement.
I'm pretty sore from yesterday. I taught two classes and did LB (MM, LB only) in between. In class we're doing a couple of things we did during the RT. During the kickbox segment instead of a combination this week I have them doing kind of a bootcamp style, like one move after another in succession. I have them doing those upper cuts/hooks. I LOVE that move!! So fun! And those Ice Breakers. OOOH, they all hate me for those. Then during inner thigh time, as the "bonus" ( love those bonuses) I have them doing the jumps with the heel clicks. Um, so, I keep telling them they have Cathe and the RT to thank. Then later in the class during the cardio combination, we are doing the most fun one ever. There's sambas and charlestons and some other fun moves. I decided it was kind of a "dancy" theme this week. Anyway, I'm rambling but the point is that if I am sore from my class, I'm pretty sure my students are cursing me out right about now. although, I did two classes yesterday, so I have good reason, right? Thank goodness the three classes per day is over!! That was just for 5 weeks as one of those classes was for dancers who attended the summer program, which has now ended. Whew!
So my fun for today is going to the gyno. for my happy pap test! The worst part about that is waiting in the darn place for an hour and then when the doctor comes in it's like 30 seconds and we're done. Of course the whole time I'm waiting I'm thinking of all the things I could be doing! AAAGH!
Okay, I'm off to have some PB on banana and more COFFEE!!
BBL. Have a great day!!