Px90 still waiting- what takes so long?

Yes, I did shoulders yesterday. I loved that too. It was easier to follow yet still difficult and I liked his variations on the arm movements.
Mine finally came yesterday (apparently FedEx had it for a week but they didn't know how to get to my house because of some road construction--whatever!). The whole series looks awesome! I wonder if Cathe is going to have a Hardcore "kit" like the Px90's? I forgot it came with two manuals! For those of you who are just starting, are you going to follow the diet? I'm seriously thinking of it, but it will take a lot of planning. Unfortunately, I'm leaving for a 2 week vacation tomorrow so I'll have to wait til August 1st to start the program. I'm planning on taking my Slim Series DVD's with me on vacation to maintain my current level of fitness. I'm going to need all the help I can get!
I finally got mine (13 days), and I'm just SURE I checked the DVD box because I heard about someone who accidentally got VHS, but somehow I got VHS, too! Drat! Drat! Drat! Now I have to wait AGAIN. I can't stand the suspense any longer!

I'm sorry you have to wait again, it'll be worth it. As far as diet, I'm trying to modify mine but I'm not following theirs by the letter. My body still hurts and I've only been doing it for the last 3 days.

Have you called BB about your order? I ordered mine on April 19 and I had to call them numerous times - they told me they were in the warehouse waiting to be shipped (1st time) - the next time I was told they were backordered - and I would receive them within two or three weeks - the next time they said nothing was on back order - they never even had my order!

That was on May 25 - I was steaming mad - I asked the guy to please get an order in and Fed Ex it - he said I would get it no later than June 1 because of Memorial Day. Well, I got them on June 8 - I ordered bands on April 19, too - but didn't get my DVD's - how did that happen? How did they get the band order and not the DVD order - they did not know. Why did I get answers to my questions that wee not even right? I do not know!

So, if I were you I would definitely call. It was worth the wait - I waited 7 weeks because of a mess up with their CC service. SNM definitely has the best customer service.

Janice....I remember you saying somewhere that you aren't "funny"....I'm ROFLOL at your response.

Briee (Use this time to practice negative pullups. Start at the top of the bar and slowly go down...as slow as you can. You'll thank me for this after your first Chest and Back workout) :7 :7 :7
>Get this! I was sooooooo reluctant to purchase this series,
>but finally caved one night and just ordered it. I quickly
>went on their site entered all the pertinent info. (I have my
>cc number memorized) hit submit. That was JUNE 10! As of today
>it's 35 days!
>Well, since I ordered so quickly, I didn’t even notice the
>drop down box to select VHS or DVD. There is NO way I'm going
>to use VHS anymore..... so, I have not received them yet, but
>then I have to Return them and wait AGAIN!! AHHHH!
>I'll get Cathe's Hardcore series before I get PX90.
>Susan C.M.:D

When I read this post I went and read my confirmation and found out that my DVD order is now VHS too. I am so bummed. This will take forever -- I was told that it has been shipped and I can't change my order at this time.

I just had to chime in--I ordered p90x and SS on June 4 and just got them...last Monday, July 12! Two of the SS tapes are defective (I'm stll a dinosaur who uses VHS, but now because of Cathe I'm seeing the DVD light...)Yes, you tend to get a different reply from different customer reps. I seemed to have best success doing live chat in terms of getting them to quickly re-ship out a second order; plus you should definitely get a tracking #! They seem reluctant to offer those, so you have to really ask for it.

Good luck--I feel for you. But as all have said, it's so worth it. Right now I'm adoring SS.

Oh I did that too. I accidently ordered VHS. I called to check on my order and while I was on the phone with her I noticed my receipt said VHS. She said it hadn't been shipped because the VHS was backordered so fortunately I was able to change my order. That may have been the long delay for any others that ordered VHS.

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