Put on the muscle?

Anyone out there a total Endo like myself???

I notice everyone here seems to be a meso, ecto, meso/ecto, etc. I'm a total endo(i.e. short and fat) with the majority of the flab on my lower half from the abs on down. Of course, my top half is no better mind you. But I'm wondering what routine would work for me. Right I'm not on any rotation I've kind of fallen off the workout wagon and need to get back on. For some reason my motivation level to get up in the mornings to workout has been slim to none. The evenings are no better now that my 1yr old has learned to walk he seems to be everywhere at once, and I just feel to drained to even attempt to workout even though I know I should. Please someone help!!!!!

HI Maribeth,

I was wondering of you could respond to Pammer's request for a rotation based on her stats as they are simliar to mine:
(I am more balanced more like 37,31,38)-Here is what Pammer said:

Thanks so much for the response. Here's a bit more info. on my body type... as I said I think I am a meso w/some endo tendancies but not absolutely positive. I tend to carry the wt. on my butt, belly and thighs. Anytime I lose weight I lose it in upper body first and then it slowly slides down to the rest. My butt and legs are always the last.

I currently weigh 155 lbs and am only 5'3". I don't look like I weigh as much as I do according to many people who tell me so. I have a very petite frame and small bones.

Here's my terrible measurements... chest=32", waist=31", middle thigh= 21.5", fattest part of thigh=23", upperarms=11", forearm 8", entire saddle bag area (around both legs etc.) is 39", hips are 40", calf 13.5". There is this ugly dent in between my hip bone and saddle bags that is starting to go in from a little wt. loss. It is making my saddlebags and belly stand out even more

I wear a size 8 mostly right now, but size 10-12 in jeans. When I am at my best healthy weight I usually weigh about 125-127 and am a size 5. I was as low as 117 (size 3) about 6 years ago but looked a bit too thin for me.

I have always had problems looking cut. Even when I have lost wt. before I always have problems with muscle tone!!!!!!!!! I tend to still be a bit soft regardless of the small size in inches When I get thin even though I am soft I tend to look a bit bony because of my petite bone size?? My collar bones stick out etc..... I really want to find a way to have cut muscles. I wuold rather have nice tone and muscles than be rail thin!!!!!!!!! Right now I am not close to either!!!!!! I just feel like a sausage - hee hee

I have extra fat all over after giving birth to my son. However, have more on my mid-section and butt/thighs. You are right in that I carry most fat over the large muscle groups. I haven't had cut, toned legs in soooo long I forget what they look like I have lots of fat around belly, thighs and of course booty.

I have been doing a S&H rotation (am in 3rd wk) and have already noticed a reduction in terms of inches in even my legs as well as my arms etc.. I have seen tremendous strength gains and have had to up my wts. I am also starting to see increase in definition and mass. I am even starting to get a nice bulge in my bicep. My shoulders are looking and feeling stronger too and definitely are getting more mass.

I think part of my problem is also diet. I need to find a way to really stick to a clean diet full of protein. I tend to not eat meat enough and know I eat to many carbs unless I really work on it. I really notice that when I am true to my diet the wt. seems to fall off rather quickly

I love cardio and do it at least 5 times a week

Do you think I should do S&H for 3 or 4 weeks? I am currently getting ready to start the 3rd. Do you have any recommendations for what rotation to do after S&H? I have almost ALL CAthe vids.

I appreciate your advice sooooooo much as I am getting so frustrated because I am working so hard on this but just feel I am not doing the RIGHT things.
RE: Anyone out there a total Endo like myself???

Hey, Jilliana,
Sounds like you're overwhelmed. Right now, the best program for you is one that you can and will find time to do.

Concentrate on strength training--start with full body workouts three times a week. On alternate days, try a higher intensity shorter duration cardio workout--you'll get remarkable benefits with even 20 minutes of higher intensity training.

Once you get back in the groove of a regular program, you'll be on your way!
RE: Anyone out there a total Endo like myself???

Thanks Maribeth I was thinking about starting a rotation with Powerhour and doing it like twice a week on Mon & Fri and focus on cardio the 3 days in between. I keep hearing for endos like myself cardio work should be the main focus. However,I just can't get in 6 days of cardio I burn out pretty fast. I did a Firm Basics/Leslie Sansone rotation for about 2 months (this is about 9 months after I had my son) because I couldn't keep up with the tapes at my former level. I dropped 10lbs and felt great but then I started working more hours and like I said my son learned to walk and refuses to take his afternoons anymore until he can't stay awake on his own and then he goes to sleep. Of course, by then I'm ready to fall asleep with him and its been like that for over a month now. I'm now wondering if I should go back to my orginal rotation of Firm Basics/Leslie Sansone because I feel so weak. As if all the work I did was for nada because I've lost the muscle growth I was just beginning to have and I just know my aerobic conditioning for the higher instensity stuff of mine is once again non-existent. What do you think Maribeth or anyone else in the educated crowd?

RE: Anyone out there a total Endo like myself???


It's so tempting to want to dive right into the "intense" videos I guess thinking or hoping if we push ourselves harder, results will show quicker. As we all know (deep inside) this usually only makes us get frustrated, lose momentum, and burn out.

I just took my son for skating lessons, and saying to myself, Dont "walk" the skates, roll them. Knowing full well that that comes later, but just wanting to "rush" him and spare him the falls etc. But like I said , deep down, we all know that you have to crawl before you walk, walk before you run, etc.

So dont be so hard on yourself. Because of the previous gains you made, watch how fast you bounce back. Those muscles arent back to where you started, but maybe are set back 1/4 or 1/2 the way! Any effort is good effort!

RE: Anyone out there a total Endo like myself???

Thank you for the advice GN I too knew that I was probably going to have to start back out slowly again. I guess I was hoping I could fool my body into thinking it could pick-up where I had left off.

RE: Anyone out there a total Endo like myself???


The fact that you cant get your body to start off where it left off was because it was stronger ........that is a great feeling......it means YOU actually made your body stronger. Gives great incentive to work it back there! If you were able to just pick up where you left off, that would mean your body had no more strength or endurance than before you ever started working out. So as Martha says, It's a good thing!!!!!!!!!

RE: Anyone out there a total Endo like myself???


The fact that you cant get your body to start off where it left off was because it was stronger ........that is a great feeling......it means YOU actually made your body stronger. Gives great incentive to work it back there! If you were able to just pick up where you left off, that would mean your body had no more strength or endurance than before you ever started working out. So as Martha says, It's a good thing!!!!!!!!!

RE: Anyone out there a total Endo like myself???

I'm an endo-meso, but hey, mostly endo! So I can relate.

I need to do at least 4 cardio workouts a week, to burn fat. Mixing up cardio-types and lengths is good (long, slower burn as well as intervals for example). I LOVE weight training, cause I feel so much stronger, but if I wanted to go 'long and lean' I'd do more endurance/lighter weight for legs, as well as pilates a couple times a week (pilates-very good for us endos!!!!)

Stretching very important, too. Make sure to stretch out. Last thing we want to do is shorten our already shorty muscles.

RE: Anyone out there a total Endo like myself???

I'm an endo-meso, but hey, mostly endo! So I can relate.

I need to do at least 4 cardio workouts a week, to burn fat. Mixing up cardio-types and lengths is good (long, slower burn as well as intervals for example). I LOVE weight training, cause I feel so much stronger, but if I wanted to go 'long and lean' I'd do more endurance/lighter weight for legs, as well as pilates a couple times a week (pilates-very good for us endos!!!!)

Stretching very important, too. Make sure to stretch out. Last thing we want to do is shorten our already shorty muscles.


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