RE: I have this same problem
First of all, Ellen, wow!! 50 push-ups! I salute you!!! You obviously worked very hard for it, so good for you!! Secondly, Meg, I hear ya! I think I wrote the very same question not too long ago, but for the life of me, I cant find it in the archives. But I got some great advice. If I recall correctly, this is what somebody told me to do: Just do the pushups from the toes, even if you can only do 1 or 2 and go down just a little bit. Also, I have found planks/core work to be invaluable! I just recently started doing them, its REALLY hard at the beggining but slowly and gradually I am getting better. It can be very discouraging, especially when some of my friends dont even work out and can pump out pushups with no problem. Chalk that up to genetics, some of us have to work very hard, yeah, its not fair, but believe me, you will feel fantastic when you are FINALLY able to do them. Its still hard for me, I can only do MAYBE a set to 12, and thats not even going down the whole way, but its progress! Keep at it!!! Judy,