Pushups on the ball?????!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
"Pushups on the ball??????"

Cathe, I just finished doing drillmax and I'm still reeling over those pushups off the ball. I CAN'T DO THEM!!! The ball wiggles and wiggles and then I fall off over and over and over again! How frustrating. My question is - you didn't show a modification for that particular exercise and I think this particular move definitely calls for one. I tried doing them on my knees but because of the height of the ball, it's too awkward. Any suggestions? I'm trying to practice the plank off the ball first (hands on ball underneath head and toes on floor (same position as the push-up but without the up and down) and trying to at least get my balance down, but again - modification PLEEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEE!!

Also, in the warm-up, you played some "Lime". Like you, I'm 37 - an "80's" girl so that was very cool!!

Denise from Yonkers!!! ([email protected])
I think some forum members have backed the ball into a corner to do push-ups on the ball. When they've mastered that, then they just backed the ball up against a nearby wall.

Does that help?
When I first saw those, I thought - is she kidding? However, I had already come to the conclusion that Cathe must be partially nuts to think of all these torture moves :)! I've been doing mine from the knees, and they are still tough, but I'm seeing some progress! I may next try them in a corner, on the toes, and see how that works. I'm not that good on pushups from the knees to begin with, so I've got a ways to go.

I am able to do the tricep dips on the ball, so maybe there is hope for me, yet.

Hi Niecie! They are hard. When I first had the cast try these during rehearsals they were using red stability balls. Everybody was so serious and shaking on the way up and down while trying to stabilize that I cracked up and said they all looked like tickle me Elmo dolls shaking away on those red balls.

Anyway, as others have stated, you can do these against a wall as a modification. Then as you eventually try to do them away from the wall, get your legs nice and wide to open up your base of support.

Another helpful hint:
Be sure your hands are toward the outside of the ball with your fingers aiming downward (or in that general direction).

Good Luck!
Oh my gosh Cathe. I was just drinking chocolate milk when I read your description of them looking like tickle me Elmo dolls and I almost spit it on the computer. Thank goodness I didn't. That was such a funny way to describe it. I am still giggling!!!

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