Push It

Good morning everyone! I accidentally did SleepMax last night so no workout to report. I did FINALLY make the Lara Bars...holy cow were they good! I made some with cherries (I forgot the cinnamon which is funny because I am pretty sure Natty reminded me at least once to not to forget it), a dark chocolate coconut one, and a tropical one with pineapple and coconut. My favorite I think was the dark chocolate and coconut version of them. The tropical was good but a bit too sweet because I used sweetened pineapple pieces.

Two more active rest days and then I can lift again! Hooray!

I was looking through the Intensity Premixes (I was supposed to be doing that workout yesterday) and I noticed that there is a premix with a warmup, both Hiits, and then bootcamp. Maybe you could do this one and then just stop before the bootcamp?

Adult only dinners are nice! Did you have a good time?

CTX is a dust collector for me too. I am only lukewarm on that entire DVD. I thought at first it was because it's old school Cathe but I like Cardio Hits just fine. Do you have the Classics DVD by any chance?

You are absolutely right that schools should teach children to be more accepting of other people. I remember we did some stuff in school about it when I was growing up. My guess is that it was cut out of the program because everything is based on getting good test results now. It's sad that the school's are now pressured to only teach what will be on those tests. Another system that is broken...

One of my new DVDs is Cardio Kicks. Do you know if it has weights in it? I know Circuit Max does but wasn't sure about Cardio Kicks.

I am sorry I don't have much advice for you about the band work. The only thing I can say is that if I am having a weak day I will use the band that has the least resistance.

I will definitely up the weights on NMTZ -- thanks for the advice! BTW, I came across some 1.25lb weight plates on Amazon.com. They are pricey though but still cheaper than the platemate weights. $10 a piece....it's very tempting to get them though because I know I would use them!

See ya later everyone!
Susan, thank you for your advise and feedback on the 4ds! I should have some time this weekend to preview the DVDs.

Good point - Intensity series versus the DVD Intensity.

Natty, the Intensity series Bootcamp is one of my faves, but so is Drill Max! However the Bootcamp also has Muscle Endurance on it and I love that workout. Drill Max is more heavy on the biceps and I think a longer workout if I remember correctly.
Good morning :)

Yesterday was such a lovely day. I went to get Bella's hair cut, which is a very big thing considering it was her 2nd hair cut in 3yrs. She was bald up until she turned 1 . She looks like a cutie. We then went to this very pretty provincial park (we go there often in the summer) to feed the geese/ducks/chipmunks bread and play in the newly renovated park. There is a beautiful ravine and trail where you can bike/walk/roller blade. The city in which this park is located is called Newmarket, and it's officially the 24th best place in Canada to live. The residents are super friendly, the city is very clean, everyone seems happy, healthy and fit. This park I go to has seniors, YES seniors, RUNNING!!! What a beautiful sight for the eyes. Men/woman/children biking. I have even seen people doing push-ups off to the side on the grass. It's pretty amazing.

It's TTOTM for me, and I'm feeling very tired. Despite wanting to crash on the couch upon coming home, I did my workout: 4DS kickboxing + heavy leg toning. I'm glad I did.

Which color band do you use for the t's & y's? Try to use a lighter one instead of the green or loosen up on the band. Do you like STS TB? I like it good enough, but I'm not in love with it (sorry Cathe). Muscle Max is still my fav for total body moderate-heavy weights IMO. The one great thing about it though is the 1RM. I'm not the type of person who likes paperwork and plugging in #'s for workouts, but I started to do them to prepare myself for STS in May. I found it to be very effective in choosing a challenging weight and I'm actually going heavier using the 1RM than I typically would have without. Have you done pull-ups with your tower? Those are HARD but it really works the UB well.
I'm glad you enjoyed the Lara Bars. The combo's you made sound very yummy.
I saw the 1.25lbs plates on Amazon.ca for the same price, but heck no I'm not paying $10 for such a low weight. That's pure robbery IMO! How can they justify that price? You can get 10lbs roughly for the same price. But of course if you are going to use them, they ARE worth every penny. I just now discovered the platemate weights. I live under a rock here in isolated Canada.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :)
Wow, Natty, sounds like an incredibly beautiful day! Cutie-pie's hair cut, the activity in the park - feeding animals, roller blading, and seniors running! Sounds like a fantastic community:)

I don't know what TTOTM is but I assume is has something to do with wanting to crash on the couch :) I'm proud of you for sticking with your workout even though it was the last thing you felt like doing! Pushing for 4DS Kickbox and Legs, for sure, gave you a kickin' workout that was worth it! I hope it helped you sleep:)

As far as the band work in Total Body and High Reps... I think I was set on using the green band because I can use it in Circuit Blast, but there is a big difference between circuit and strength/endurance workouts.

Today was Total Body and I used the green tubing instead of the coral band because I gave a friend of mine the coral/light band last year; I had never used it and she really needed something. I was glad that the tube worked so well - I was able to complete all the reps even though they were tough; man, I was SO ready to stop when she did:) Thank you for the suggestion of lightening the band because without it I would not have thought about trying the tube instead of the coral band.

I really do like Total Body, just not all the dead lifts - so I did sliding roll outs for extra hamstring/glute work. Also, I think the switch to heavier weights was harder on my joints (back/shoulders) because they weren't used to it but today I had no pain and pushed myself hard and made it though! I'm sure that will help my body. Even during the bonus burn set of pushups instead of stopping I said "oh no, table top position here I come" and I kept on pushing through instead of stopping:) Thank you all for helping me challenge myself!

I'm signing off for now. Thank you, again, for your help. Oh, BTW, I don't regularly do pullups - it's hard to fit in all the exercises - but a few times a month I do hunker down and do them. I keep my legs/feet propped on the step and pull up my upper body until I can't do anymore. I can do 10 but they are VERY much assisted:)

Have a fantastic day! Toodles!
Hi Stacie,
Ha! SleepMax... It happens:)

Sadly I think you're right about schools dropping non-testing programs. I would think Health class or maybe even Sex Ed/birth-born challenges could cover it but I guess it's not considered. Back in the 60's there was a teacher who tried an experiement on her 3rd graders (I believe); it was to teach them discrimination - all the kids were very grateful that the teacher taught them what it was like, according to what they said 20 years post-class at their reunion. I honestly believe the world would be a MUCH better place if people were taught humanity instead of race.

Cardio Kicks - I don't believe it did weights in it... just the cardio and then a stretch.

TaTa for now! Have an awesome day:)
TTOTM = That Time Of The Month :)
It took me long to figure that out too :)

Adding to this post:
I just finished 4DS bootcamp (cardio only 30min) + Intensity bootcamp section (15min).
I was going to take today as my rest day, but I had family over and ate a little too much fried chicken from Mary Brown's. I feel better now ;-)))

Off to watch The Walking Dead :-O

Good night everyone!
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Hello ladies!

Today I had intended to do a nice steady state cardio step workout. Something like Step Blast. But that didn't happen. Instead I kept it short and sweet and did just the arm portion of BM2 for about 20 minutes. Tomorrow is supposed to be my rest day, but I'm going to punish myself for today's lazy workout (ha) and do my cardio workout then. I'm thinking either Step Blast, Low Impact Circuit (the cardio premix) or maybe Lowmax, if I'm in the mood for that one. I do miss doing one of Cathe's rotations, but I love the freedom I get in doing my own, where I can pick my workout based on my mood or whatever strikes me, while still adhering to the type of workout I should be doing (cardio or circuit or total body, etc).

I previewed a little bit of CCC yesterday - yikes!! That ones on my "never done" list. I'm scared. Very, very scared. :eek::D I'm tempted to do it sometime this coming week, just to see how far I get. Probably only through the warmup!!

Heartymax -- You definitely should be proud of your hard work and being able to show off your toned arms and legs! I wish I could be more comfortable in shorts, but with my pear shape it's hard to be happy with the lower half of my body, even when I'm in the best shape of my life (which I used to be, but am not right now). I agree with you about summer being around the corner and that proving to be a motivating factor to workout harder. That's how I feel, too. I did B&G yesterday, the "cardio" premix. It was the first time I'd done any sort of B&G at all in a couple years. I'm definitely feeling it today and walking like an idiot!

Jennifer -- No, I don't really have a dance background. At least not as an adult. My Mom had me take dance classes as a child (probably age 7-9, something like that). I guess I'm some what coordinated, but some of Cathe's trickier moves still stump me. I'm definitely not as graceful as Cathe is!!

Natty -- I'm so glad you were able to enjoy a nice, spring-like day! We take what we can get! It was 70 here today, but tomorrow we'll be back to the 40's. :confused: Do you think your daughter looks "older" with her haircut? I always think that whenever my kids are done getting a 'cut. The days are long, but the years are short, I tell ya! My dinner out with my friend was a lot of fun. It's always nice to catch up. I think my UB tones up first b/c it has the least amount of fat on it!!! Ha!! I'm sure my LB is toning up, too. It's just hard to see the progress. My 3rd kid is 21 months old and it is only recently that I've noticed, "Hey, I have muscles again!" So nothing to brag about ... but it does make me secretly proud. :D Right now I'm really enjoying Muscle Endurance. I plan to do it for a few more weeks, for maybe 5 weeks total (I've been doing it once a week). So I guess High Rep type workouts are what I'm really enjoying now. But really I don't have a preference. I love MM, the GS series, etc. All goodies!

Stacie -- Those Lara bars you made really do sound yummy! I think you mentioned you got them off of Cathe's weekly newsletter, is that right? I noticed the Intensity premix you mentioned - with the warmup, hiit's and bootcamp ... but it didn't "click" with me that I could leave off the bootcamp portion and just do the first part. Doh. Oh, well. Live & learn. I did have a nice time with my friend. We were out for about 2.5 hours. Ahhh! I came back a changed woman - ready to tackle motherhood and wifedom. :D I think you're doing great with your son! It sounds like you're doing everything you need to do and I really like how you notice which direction he needs to be pointed, like where to focus his energy, so he turns toward good things and not bad things. It takes a strong and smart Mom to have that kind of attitude - bravo! :D

Susan -- You're a road tripper!! YAY!! I'm super jealous! I think I've said that before, but it bears repeating. :p I hope you're having a blast. I saw what you said on the open discussion thread about being somewhat of an introvert. That's me, too. There are times when I really have to make myself talk to people or get "out there." So I can appreciate what you said. I'm in the same boat. It took me a while to get that 4th combo in LIC, so hang in there. It'll come. I've never done the premix for LIC that you metioned. I do like premixes ... I'll have to try it sometime!

Stacie----I do not have the Classics DVD. Sleep Max is one of my favorite treats too every now and then. Everyone deserves to do that workout as a re-energizer:D. I heard everyone talking about the Lara Bars but I never checked out the recipe. Dark Chocolate and Coconuts reminds me of an mounds bar---Sorry---don't mean to talk about candy:rolleyes:.

Fargomom---you definitely have a reason to be proud. Every progress is accomplishment. I understand what you mean about the rotations. Normally, I am choosing a strength based rotation so if I want to change up the cardio, I do just that. CCC is a tough workout. I have only done maybe twice and maybe premix one. It's a killer Hiit workout.

Jennifer-- I don't do any pulls ups. I just sub some exercise for that. I use the green band. I don't think I can recommend S&H, GS or PUB over the other. I favor PUB because it was my first Cathe DVD and I truly love this workout. However, I must admit that I use the premix option most often and use it as an add on to a cardio workout. Going up and back down with the weights is deifnitely tough. I like to go heavier so I prefer to start out heavy and pyramid down. I think PUB as designed (up and down) is definitely more exhausting. PUB works the entire upper body and the others are split workouts. Cathe doesn't have alot of just upper body workouts and this one burns for sure.

Natty---Yes, I plan to tweak the rotation a little to make sure that I get in a leg workout each week. I have written down the rotation with my changes. I may not be able to take a rest day (depending on how I feel) in order to squeeze in a leg workout or get in another short cardio workout. Impressive that you were able to get in such a great workout during that TTOM. TTOM can be unpredictable for me. This month, I was fine and continued my workouts as usual. Last month, I was so drained that I had to take two rest days.

Yesterday was 40 minutes on the elliptical. Today was push ups----16,14,14,14,17. I also did GS Legs today. Gearing up for my Upper Body Bliss rotation tomorrow. Woo Hoo! I am also excited because my DH started back working out this past week. I am so proud of him! He was working out a few years ago consistently for about a year and then he stopped....started back...stopped....I am hoping he makes it a part of his lifestyle now. He can definitely stand to loose 15 pounds and I am his biggest cheerleader.
Good morning everyone! I hope you all are having a great weekend! Last night I did part of 30/30 Hiit before sleep overcame me again. I have no idea why I have been so sleepy lately...my only guess is because TTOTM is coming soon. Last week was not a good workout week. Luckily it was an active recovery week or I would be more upset over it. This morning I did part of Muscle Endurance. It was my first time doing it and I didn't realize that it was high reps. I started out by using the same weight values from Meso #3. Huge mistake!!!! I burned out very quickly -- only did 30 minutes and I was toast. Afterwards I logged into the workout manager and then somehow feel asleep again. I didn't even realize it until my dad called and I noticed half an hour had gone by. If I fall asleep in my soup like that girl did in Deuce Bigelow I am going to the doctor to check for narcolpesy! ;)

It sounds like you had a great day! I bet your little girl looks so cute with her new haircut. Did she like it? They have some really cool places here for kids haircuts. They can sit on little horses and stuff. My son never goes to them though. I always take him to this old school barbershop by where we used to live and this guy in his 60's does it. He is so nice and does such a great job -- better than anywhere else. Little girls are so much fun though. They have such cute clothes and you can do their hair so many different ways.

The plates are very expensive for such a low amount of weight. I might just try to use the my ankle/wrist weights instead. I actually had forgetten that ankle weights can be used on the wrist too. I felt pretty dumb when I was at Marshall's last night looking at stuff. I saw ankle/wrist weights there and realized oh yeah....I could put the ankle weights on my wrist. They did have a heart rate monitor for only $20 -- half the retail price. I am still debating that one!

I think you have mentioned eating fried chicken a couple of times. If you ever come to the States and are by an El Pollo Loco place you will have to try it out. It isn't fried but grilled and so so so good!

Thanks for the info on Cardio Kicks. I looked at the chapters and it said it was just cardio but on the shop.cathe site it said it had weights in it. Weird, huh?

I didn't realize Low Impact Circuit had a cardio only premix. Doh! I would have done that work out a long time ago if I had known that. I need to add a column to my worksheet to indicate which workouts have cardio only premixes.

Btw, you are a runner! You probably look terrific in shorts! I wouldn't even sweat it with the summer coming as long as you are running and exercising.

Glad to hear you had fun with your friend! I love long dinners and conversations like that. I need to do that more often. I have some friends that I dinner with now and then. It's been awhile since we have gone -- I should ask them to go sometime soon.

I am jealous of Susan too btw. I hope she is having a blast on the road trip.

The Lara bar recipe was actually a post in the Open Discussions forum. That site also has recipes for Trio bars and some other stuff. There are a ton of recipes I wanted to try from the Newsletter. I bought the almond butter yesterday to try out out the protein pancakes and a long time ago the coconut flour to make the pumpkin protein bars. I think Natty made those a long time ago and said they were good. Of course, it's still on my list of things to do. Maybe today I will get to it!

Good info about PUB. It's on my rotation for next month -- one of the reasons I chose that one. It's fillled with a ton of weight workouts I have never done before. The only one left will be Supersets and Maximum Intensity Strength after I complete that rotation.

Once again, your workouts are simply amazing! It's like you never tired out! Great job on the push up counts as well. That's fantastic that your husband started working out again too. When I was married, I always thought it would be fun to workout together. Unfortunately, the few times we did try it wasn't much fun at all. Good job on cheering him on too. I bet he really appreciates it!

Have a great day everyone!
Hello, my name is Toni. I'm fairly new to Cathe and the forums and I was wondering if I could join your group?
Good evening everyone :)

Today is supposed to be a scheduled rest day, but I may do level 1 or 2 of Jillian's Yoga Meltdown (I really like it :) ).

I made more Lara Bars today but with dark chocolate, apricots and coconut. Super yummy goodness :p

Lol, the fried chicken. You know what, I don't normally eat it and it's not my first choice for take-out. When I have family over, majority vote rules. They either want pizza or chicken :confused:. I would much rather have Japanese Sushi but that appeals to no one :(. I'm lucky to be able to cook healthy meals for my family of 3 because I know they appreciate and enjoy it. I can't say the same for my relatives unfortunately.
What a great idea about the ankle/wrist weights. I don't have either, but if I did, I would be taking your advice.
Muscle Endurance kills you with the reps that's for sure! Wait, aren't you supposed to be in active recovery? Bad, bad Stacie ;).
BTW, Rick is my guy. Not a fan of Shayne, although he does look great in a tank top ;). Onto season 2 now!
I'm the same with TTOTM. I have been feeling very tired and drained......but I have a wedding shower to attend to in 1 week and I have to look good in my new outift ;).
Congrats on DH getting back into working out. I have the same problem. Before I had my daughter, mine was going to the gym 6 days/week and took weight training very seriously. Then we had our daughter and he tapered off and I was the one who got motivated. I'm trying to get him to do STS, but he just laughs. Does you DH workout at home?
Don't be scared of CCC. You can do Imax3 and that's TOUGH. The wonderful thing about CCC is that you burn mega calories and no equipment necessary. The moves are also very simple, but boy do they really get your heart soaring. You had 3 kids! You have nothing to fear :)
Aren't the years before 2 so cute? I find that they are so fascinated by the littlest things. Bella would stop and study bugs, flowers, grass, dirt, anything outdoors with such intensity. It really makes you stop and appreciate the simple things in life.

Have a great night ladies :)
Natty---yes, DH is using the elliptical. We just purchased it in February. I did alot of research to make sure it would be a great machine for the both of us. We purchased a Sole E55. We had a treadmill that we loved very much but it broke over a year ago after about 9 years of use. He tried fixing it but was unsuccessful so I asked for an elliptical. So far, we are loving the Sole. I wish I could get him to do STS. Funny---this morning I was doing GS legs and he say me doing plie squats and said there is no way he could squat that low. I thought it was so funny that he was standing there watching me before going into the room to get on the elliptical.
Good morning everyone! I woke up kinda early today and I think after I finish writing this I am going to a do a quick session of JM's 30 Day Shed and Shred. I have some DOMS from yesterday. It feels great to be lifting again!

Funny about the chicken....I thought you just indulged now and then! I love Sushi! Unfortunately, I don't think my son would touch it all. You never know though...he loves Pho. I will have to try it one day.

I don't blame you for liking Rick over Shane. Shane is a bit of a but-his-face (everything is good but his face! ;) ). Rick has nice facial features he is just al little slim for my tastes.

Oh...I was good about the active recovery week! The last day of it was Saturday so of course the first thing I did Sunday was hit the weights. Woot!

It sounds like your hubby might be getting more interested in the weights since he was watching you do GS. I hope watching his toned wife will motivate him to him the weights too!

Have a good day everyone!
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Hi Toni! I completely missed your post too! It's a good thing Natty is on it!Welcome, welcome, welcome!

By the way Natty, I did 30 day Shed and Shred this morning. I liked it. It's super cheap on Amazon.com right now and I am thinking about getting it along with Ripped in 30, NMTZ, and 6 week 6 pack abs. These are all good right? I have NMTZ from the library still so I can try that one out. What is your opinion on the other ones?

As a side note, it was super fun working out this morning. My son was watching me and critiquing my form. He would be like "You are doing it like the girl in red" (the advanced one) or "That move you are doing more like the girl in green" (the beginner one). LOL...it was cute. He also had to show me some of the similar moves that he does in gym class. "Mr. Browne showed us like this." It was a nice morning.

Bye everyone!
Hi Toni! I just saw your post too! Welcome to our group! Each of us us at various stages of push ups. Our goal is to increase our consecutive number. We check in as often as we like and enjoy talking about our other workouts too!
Good evening :)

Today's workout was Intensity. I stopped before the hiit section as my legs and calves were feeling very heavy and sore. TTOTM always compromises my cardio, especially during days 2-4. Are you gals the same way? I plan on making up for it by swapping my steady state cardio on Wed for MIC.

You are SO funny! But-his-face lol! I agree.
All Jillian's workouts are very cheap (that's why I pretty much have them all). I'm glad you like 30 Day Shred. It was so cute how your son was critiquing you. Which level(s) did you do? Probably all 3 right? Ripped in 30 is the same concept as 30 Day Shred; 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes cardio, 1 minute abs, but with 4 levels instead of 3. Level 1 is super easy. Level 2 kicks it up a notch. She has you do 2 minutes of cardio w/plank jacks and mountain climbers with NO REST!!!!! She flirts with the trainers in that one. NMTZ is great; high reps, low weights, total body toning. The ab work is top notch. The inner/outer thighs section leaves much to be desired. She does not spend much time on those areas. Bust out your firewalkers for a better burn. 6 week/6 pack is great too; cardio w/ab toning standing and floor work. She does however seem to go at unnecessarily fast speeds that compromises form, so go at your own pace. I like them all and don't regret having them in my collection (cough, cough Billy Blanks).

Hope everyone had a great day! Good night :)
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Hi everyone!!!! Hope you all had a great weekend.

Before I talk about the roadtrip, I just have to say GREAT JOB on those pushups Heartymax, that is really super.

Today I did Bodymax 2 (back to my crazy rotation) and the pushups were hard, I think my shoulder was fatigued and now I did something wrong and it hurts like heck. I have been icing it all day. Just had a beer, which seems to have helped more than the ice :)

Stacie I really like 6 week 6 pack, I think it's a great core workout. I have only done level 1 twice, but I think it's worth it. Heartymax likes it too. It's been a long time since NMTZ for me so I will defer to Natty on that one. Which JM DVD weren't you crazy about? I don't remember, and am feeling too lazy to go through 30 pages of our group.

Natty How are your 1RMs coming along for STS? I am done with the 1RMs for 2 of the DVDs for week 1, but still have to finish legs. I want to plug them all in and see what's left for the next week. I think I am going to do what Stacie did and do the 1RMs for week 1 and just add on as I go, otherwise it seems like too much to do.

Stacie Back to you... Do the 1RMs get updated as you to through STS based on what you actually do for a given workout? If so, how does that work?

Kara YIKES is right for CCC. You can see many complaints from me on that one, along with Intensity :D I am doing CCC tomorrow and have been dreading it since yesterday. It is VERY hard cardio, but what makes it bad for me is that I have a tough time doing some of the core work at the pace Cathe does it, there is a roll back, roll forward, shoot your legs back into a pushup and seriously, it seems like she is doing it on fast forward!

Now as for the roadtrip, first of all Cathe was easy on us in terms of working out. It was 6 workouts, 2 on Friday, 3 on Saturday and 1 on Sunday. All about an hour each, but there were more breaks worked into the actual workout so that was good, I found it pretty easy to keep up but believe me I was still sweating! Just not at the level of Afterburn, Intensity, CCC. (On a side note, I think all of the imax's are easier than CCC or intensity, way more dread for me when it comes to those)

For one workout I was in the front row, once I was in the 2nd row, 2 I was in the last row (which was impossible to see) and 2 I was in the middle. She had a part where she called up people, 6 at a time, to get on stage with her during Kickbox which was fun. When I was in the front row, I was giddy. It was really fun workout out with a group to Cathe, listening to her cute little sayings. The music was current pop hits so that made it even more fun.

There were A LOT of people at the roadtrip, making it very hard to meet many people I expected to meet (those that I chatted with on the forum) and unfortunately there was very little time with Cathe. I did meet her to say hi once and get a picture, and I got a hug good bye. My kids and husband stayed at the hotel, and they got to meet her too. They were thrilled (my girls not the hubby)

I am not one to sugar coat anything, and it wasn't what I expected. I expected more personal interaction with Cathe. In retrospect, how could that be possible with about 150 roadtrippers? Would I do it again? Maybe if it was local again, but I won't fly somewhere for it. Was it worth doing? Yes, because I met a great person (fellow roadtripper), and although I didn't have the "connection" I was hoping to with Cathe, I met a great person that I have a lot in common with (like you ladies) and that in itself made it worth every penny. I never will forget it, it was surreal in a way. And I do have great memories. Not the ones I expected to obtain (memories with Cathe) but I'll take any good memory I can get!

Sorry that's a bit short on the RT experience. I am sure I will add more as the weeks go on. But if you have any questions, just ask!
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Thanks for the welcome!! Just a small introduction...

I'm a 40 year old mother. I have a blended family, I have two children and my husband has four. Two of my husbands children are over 20 and out of the house. So we have four in our house(9, 11, 13, 15).

Last year I looked in the mirror and decided that I did not want to turn 40 with the extra weight I had picked up. So on 5/2/2011 I started working out(again) and have not stopped since!! I've done P90X, Insanity, and P90X2 from Beachbody. I was looking for something different at the end of P90X2 and stumbled on Cathe in my research. Man oh man am I hooked on Cathe!! I love her workouts...and she's going to send me to the poor house!!

I have a goal to lose my last inch so I can look good in a two piece bathing suit on our family cruise in June. I call it my quest to 'look like Cathe' :). If I even get remotely close I'll be uber happy! In terms of fitness I just want to be strong and healthily. Push ups are a weak point for me, so I really want to get those up. I think women look really strong and healthy when they can do pushups on their toes. I can do about 12 - 15, but I'd like to get to 20.

Today's workout was Athletic Training. It's a really good workout. It's my second time through it. I get so winded with this one. I have to stop to catch my breath so I can get the most out of the strength portions.

My hubby is also about to start working out. He mentioned this weekend that 'his looks have diminished'. He did a Bob Harper kettleball workout today. It looked tough!! I'm going to have to consider getting a kettleball workout.

On Sunday's my kids 'workout with me'. It's really cute. I let them use my smaller dumbbells. Their form is terrible...LOL. It's good our kids see us committed to exercise. I feel good about passing that on to them.

Looking forward to more check-ins and thanks again for the welcome!!
Hi Toni,

Welcome to the group! Your goal of 20 pushups is great. When I started with this group my goal was 100. I quickly realized that was a ridiculous goal haha. Now I just want to get better.

During this time I learned my form was wrong from my DD (9 years old) and DH so if that's all I get out of it, I'll take it!

I have been married 17 years as of tomorrow, have 2 DDs(9 and 7) and 2 dogs (cavalier king charles spaniels)

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