Jennifer, I had to chuckle when I read your post about "a different style of script writing for doctors" old family physician used to write things down like "eat more fruit" or "eat more veggies" or "run around outside everyday" on his script pad and give it to my Mom. He was a great diagnostician who really knew us personally. His training was as a D.O. as opposed to an M.D. and he was very holistic in his approach. I don't have a primary care physician because I use my old doctor as a meter stick when I interview the potential candidates (MDs really hate that I interview them!). So far I haven't found one who is on the same page as I am about my health and fitness. Nowadays, it seems that most doctors use flip chart/flow charts in diagnosing and they don't seem to visualize you as a whole being (holistic!), they just look at your symptoms and connect the dots to whatever drug they are told to push at the time. My mother and siblings/in-laws are all on cholesterol drugs and gastric reflux drugs, several are being told they are borderline diabetic so they take those drugs, and the list goes on and on....almost all of these conditions are diet related!!! They judge me harshly, although I have never criticized their lifestyles. I only offer up info if they ask and even at that I am guarded and ready for the attack. I hope that more physicians get on board with tried and true applications of eating well, sleeping well, and getting exercise as a prevention for disease. The drug companies are going to hate it!