Pure Strength - weights Cathe uses??


I like to know the weights Cathe uses as a gauge of what I will start with and also something to work towards. She doesn't always give her weights in the Pure Strength series though and I'm starting a new rotation using the series next week. Anyone ever taken the time to figure it out?? This is what I've found online but I've found differing numbers so I don't know what is accurate.

Lunges w/ dumbells (w/u) 5-8
Lunges w/ dumbells 12-15
Lunges w/ barbell 45
Plie squats (w/u) 15
Plie squats 45
Step-ups 12-15
Squats 45
Sit-n-Stands ??
Quarter deadlifts ??
Calf Raises ??
Inner thigh raises 15
Outer thigh raises 15
Hamstrings 15

t-bar rows (w/u) ??
t-bar rows 35-40
bent-over-rows 45
one arm rows 25
shrugs 15
bb curls 25-35
seated db curls 12-15
negative curls 25-35
concentration curls 8

bench press (w/u) ??
bench press ?? 45
incline bench press - BB 45
incline chest press - DB 15
incline chest flys - DB ??
superset - DB ??
arnold press 12-15
clean & press 8 then 5
standing side laterals 8-10
reverse flys ??
seated side laterals ??
close-grip press 12-15
db french press 8
cross-body kickbacks ??
db french press ??
dips 35
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I know for a fact that she gives some of her weights in Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. I thought that she gave all of her weights, but I guess I was wrong. I'll have to watch or do it again and write down the weights she uses to see if what I have matches what you have.

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