Purchase advice! also rotation advice!


I decided that if I made it to Easter and maintained under 125 lb I would give myself a reward! ( down from about 139 lb at the beginning off this year!) And what better reward than a new Cathe DVD! Well, it looks like I will make it. I'm about five or six pounds below my goal hovering below 120 lb! Back on Ash Wednesday at the beginning of February I was thinking of giving myself KPC and Legs and Glutes DVD. But then I've been reading so much about how great all the new Hardcores are.... Anyway, I have the Intensity Series and CTX and bunch of Cathe's older step workouts. I only pre ordered three of the Hardcores ( I will know better next time!) - IMAX 3, Lowmax and High Step Challenge - all of which I love, love, love!! Now I'm thinking maybe I should get Kickmax and/or maybe Muscle Max instead??
Also, I should mention that the last three months I have been focusing on weight loss and so I have been doing lots of cardio (only one or two pure weight lifting days a week with cardio and weights on one more day). Now, I would also like some advice on a rotation that can help me concentrate more on toning. Maybe you guys can help me with advice on both issues.

Thanks to everyone!

Janey B
I have zero advice for you but wanted to congratulate you on your mega loss of weight in such a short amount of time! What's your eating secret???
Thank you Chickfluff! I have been really diligent about eating as clean as possible! Trying to watch fat intake too! Of course Cathe workouts help a lot!!

Thanks again
I would pick Muscle Max over Kick Max. Muscle Max is one of my favorite of the Hardcores, Kick Max (I'm sorry to say) is my least favorite. You didn't mention if you had any of Cathe's weight workouts and Muscle Max is tops!

If you would like to try kickboxing, KPC is Cathe's best to date.

You've done a fantastic job, congrats!

I'm not good at putting together rotations other than to alternate cardio days with weight training days.

I just wanted to congratulate you and ditto what Diane said. I agree with her completely! MM is da bomb!
I own all of the Hardcores and my favorites are Muscle Max and HSTC. KPC is IMO better than kick max because is more kickboxing and is a lot of fun and the DVD has Legs and glutes and which is a wonderful tough workout for the legs.

For strenth I pick MM

For cardio KPC

You will make the right choice!
I agree with NicoleP. I've only done MM once so far, but I liked it. I was only sore for a day. I also have done KM once, but was sore a lot longer (2-3 days) on the lower half of my body. That was a good thing for me! Those leg drills at the end OMG!

I wasn't to crazy about the beg. of KM, so I thought later today I would do KPC and then do the leg drills in KM.

I posed this question on another thread, but thought I would ask again since everyone is talking about MM. Where did you get your bands? I bought a pack of three, but they are not as long as Cathe and crew. Does it matter? It just seemed awkward because it was so short, especially for the triceps.

Have a good day!
Hi Dallas :)
The bands are 6 feet in length. I think a few people have got them at sporting good stores, and you may also want to check at a physcial therapy place/health club??? I know a few years ago I bought some from a health club. They just had the bands and cut the lenghth I wanted.

Hope this helps :7
Take care,
Hi Nicole,

Thanks a lot. I'll be on the look out this weekend!

Have a good one! Muchias Gracias!:)


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