Pull-ups....how to get there?


I read with amazement the other thread about how many pull-ups many of you can accomplish. My question though ~ what exercises are best for building the correct back muscles to perform one? I don't have access to an assisted pull-up machine, but can on occasion borrow my trainer for an assist....really have guilt though over the amount of weight she is lifting! :eek:
Thanks for your help and suggestions!

Deadrows would be a good place to start. If you have access to a bar, you could do negatives where you start at the top and slowly lower yourself down.

Hi Becky,

When I started P90X I used a chair assist. I would keep one foot on the chair and do negatives. The closer the chair, the easier it is. And just do them-often. The more you do, the better you'll get!

Good luck!
You could also do some lat pulldowns. However, IMHO, the best way to "get there" is just to do them. Get a bar at home, grab a chair or pullup bands for assistance and work on them. Negatives (assist yourself up above the bar then drop down slowly without assistance) are a great way to build up strength. Good luck!


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