PUB or Gym Styles?


I have been using S&H for a few weeks and I love the solw pace which give us the chance to have good form. I also recently got CTX Upper body split and I like it very much. I'm looking for another good upper body workout and have been thinking of PUB or the Gym Styles (or another one?) Which ones would you recommend?

I recommend the GS series. It's by far the best, in my opinion.

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(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥
I second GS as well. Its my favorite series by far. I like the pyramid workouts too but i just love the pump i get from GS.
Due to the highly endurance nature of PUB, I have always found it very hard to make much progress, in terms of increasing weights, with PUB.

I recommend GS also. I have found that S&H, GS (and MM) make the best mix possible for me for increasing upper body strength.

I've done both and I found it best to do the Pyramids once every two weeks of Gym Styles and/or Slow and Heavy rotation. And maybe throw in an all-upper Supersets-Push Pull once in a while.

I agree with Clare, I don't get the results from PUB that I do from S&H and GS. The high endurance of PUB has aggrevated tendonitis issues for me as well.

I just recently purchased the Pyramids, and I have to say that I am surprised at how much I love it. HOWEVER, it is NO Gym Styles. If you are a lover of heavy lifting, go with Gym Styles. If you love endurance workouts, get the Pyramids.

Since I like lifting heavy but also need to build up endurance, I might follow your suggestion and get both!!!! :7


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