Psalm Of Cathe

Personally, I find this post offensive. It may be ment in good fun but come on. Taking a Bible verse and changing it like this is wrong

>La Cathe is My Instructor
>I shall not cringe.
>She maketh me to perform the plyojacks:
>She leadeth me beside the barbell.
>She restoreth the fire in mine thighs;
>She leadeth me down the path of sweating.
>She encourageth me to breathe
>And refuel mine muscles.
>Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of I-Max
>I will fear no step bench: for Cathe art with me;
>Her smile and her choreography comfort and challenge me.
>She preparest a workout before me in the presence of mine
>enemy Chocolate;
>She anointest my head with a headband;
>My DVD player runneth over.
>Surely the Slow and Heavy Series shall follow me all the days
>of my life
>And I will dwell in the house of Fitness A La Cathe forever.
I second this. A tad bit over the top, and pls be respectful for those who do respect the Bible. JMHO

I agree. Why does it seem ok to disrespect Christian's holy book (i.e. the Bible), but we'd never let people get away with doing the same thing to other faith's holy texts. That really annoys me. Heather
>I agree. Why does it seem ok to disrespect Christian's holy
>book (i.e. the Bible), but we'd never let people get away with
>doing the same thing to other faith's holy texts. That really
>annoys me. Heather

I agree with you, Heather. This is just wrong.
>Personally, I find this post offensive. It may be ment in
>good fun but come on. Taking a Bible verse and changing it
>like this is wrong
I disagree. Putting humorous twists on beautiful literary passages (Biblical or otherwise) has been done countless times and to many people's (Christian or otherwise) delight. I doubt A-Jock's intention was to make fun of the Psalm or offend believers in any way. I also think that God probably has a wonderful sense of humor.:)

Thanks for the laugh, A-Jock!:7
>I agree. Why does it seem ok to disrespect Christian's holy
>book (i.e. the Bible), but we'd never let people get away with
>doing the same thing to other faith's holy texts. That really
>annoys me. Heather

Oh, come on now. I'm a born again Christian and personally, I think God has a GREAT sense of humor. After all, he created you, didn't he? And A-Jock too! I think it's time to lighten up;)

Putting a humorous twist on a scripture is one thing but wording it in such a way that the Lord is replaced with Cathe is TOTALLY different.x( I do believe God has a sense of humor but this "Ode to Cathe" is way off base.
I guess nobody can agree on anything, can they? It's one of our inalienable rights, I suppose.

But I figure that if God didn't have a sense of humor, He would have incinerated us where we stand centuries ago. And by the way, don't forget that He did give us free will.
Hey A-Jock,

Glad you bumped this one up. It is great! I know I've told you this before but I'm telling you again-you are such a creative writer!

And my free will says this is totally WRONG!

Would you do this to the Koran? No.

But yey people seem to think it's ok to parody the Bible.

Well, I don't

And I don't know why anyone thought it was ok to drag this up from 2003.

Guess you're trying to take the focus off some of the problems SNM is having with customer service these days.
oh. my. goodness. hilarious! lighten up people. having a sense of humor means being able to laugh at yourself from time to time.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

To A-Jock: You are a wonderful and humorous inspiration to the masses here in Cathe land. THANK-YOU!

To Cathe: If there is anyone I consider to be worship-worthy - lady it is YOU! Thank you for all you do.

To all those who are wrapped around the axle by this thread: sometimes the best tactic is to hit the back button on your internet browser without typing a word.
Well it's my right to be offended. You wouldn't be doing it if someone was Islamic or part of another religion. Don't tell me to lighten up either thank you! Besides, it does say in the Bible that you do NOT change verses. This is highly offensive and disrespectful.

>Putting a humorous twist on a scripture is one thing but
>wording it in such a way that the Lord is replaced with Cathe
>is TOTALLY different.x( I do believe God has a sense of
>humor but this "Ode to Cathe" is way off base.

Exactly....well put
If there is anyone I consider to be worship-worthy
>- lady it is YOU!
>To all those who are wrapped around the axle by this thread:
>sometimes the best tactic is to hit the back button on your
>internet browser without typing a word.

Wow! Just wow.
Love it Ajock...thanks for the first laugh I've had today.
Yes, I'm a God has a great sense of humor.

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