PS tapes or Cory's Basic sculpting?


I would like to know from anybody a comparison between PS series and Cory's series. The latter costs much less. But I do not know about results. Which would be a better buy.
Thanks in advance.
Cathe vs. Cory

Hi April,
I have all of the PS videos, and just recently got Cory's CST and BBA. I like Cory's CST a lot, but wasn't crazy about BBA. If I didn't already have Cathe's BBA, I might have liked it more but it seemed like just a shorter version of Cathe's. Plus, you need special equipment for some of the back work in Cory's (chin-up bar and something else I think). So, my answer would be that Cathe's would be a better buy because the workouts are excellent, but if you really can't afford it Cory's would be good also (I can only speak for the upper body workouts for Cory - Cathe's PS legs is a great workout). I hope this is a little helpful.
Video Comparison

Hi April,
I have both Cory's and Cathe's PS Series, and I must say honestly, I think Cathe's are best. I could not get into Cory's after doing Cathe's workout. I guess I would have to say Cathe's personality and workout has her beat!
Cory's OK for a change of pace, but...

For starters, Cathe's cueing and form pointers are right on the money. Cory has difficulty keeping the beat, and she definitely does fewer reps. She does the reps slow enough that you can use some heavy weights, but she herself demonstrates very very light weights. Oh, and she makes fitness comments throughout but after a while the "sexy shoulders" comments and lines about looking good in halter tops gets old. The music in Cory's tapes is soft "porn-type" music (steady beat) but Cathe's tapes have original artist rock music that are really motivating.

As others have said, in Cory's tapes, she expects you to have some equipment and there aren't any really good substitutes for some routines -- like seated rows or pull-ups.

Cory's ab routine is not very long or effective, I believe she does few reps and doesn't put in any oblique work. I just substitute my own routine -- usually Cathe's!!

But I have to say, Cory's tapes offer you variety and they may be suited for beginners and intermediates ... but I'm not really sure why, since you can perform Cathe's PS series with light weights or fewer sets and get great results.

I think it's truly a case of "you get what you pay for". In the end, Cathe's solid routine, right-on-cueing, good form, motivating rock music, (C'mon, we're doing ab work to Doobie Brothers and lunges to Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love"!) and her challenging workout will take you into the next century. You'll outgrow Cory before she's finished her "sexy calves" commentary.

And I have both tape series -- I've been doing Cathe's PS series at least once a week for over a year now and it still challenges me!

Good luck!

Dawn P.
Hi Dawn

I had to chuckle at that comment, "Soft Porn" type music, you are right on the money, I couldn't have said it better!!! I found the first tape of Cory's I put in was where she was doing lat pull downs and said at the end "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, I made you do one more." That did it for me, I coudn't listen to her any more.
Cory's Basic Sculpting

I just wanted to add my opinion. I have both series and find them similiar in workout style. Of course Cathe's are top notch but I also like Cory's. Cory goes slower in reps so I can handle heavier weights. She does use dumbells and barbell so you don't need any machines. Although she has other background exercisers show home equipment but it's optional. The music is the same for all 3 of Cory's tapes. So it does get repetative. Although I don't mind it. Cory gives more sets on the concentrated curls. And I felt the bicep work was just as tough as Cathe's. The ab work in Cory's is pale compared to Cathe's excellent ab work. But I do like to use both series in my rotation so I don't get tired of one tape. Cory's tricep work isn't as tough so I always have to rewind and do more sets. The price is cheap for Cory's tapes but with Cathe's tapes, you get much better quality production. Cathe also uses weights that challenge herself in the video where Cory uses light weights. I didn't feel Cory's comments were as bad as her Get Hard Arms and Shoulders tape. Much more toned down.

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