PS SLA - torqued my knee?


Has anyone ever injured their knees doing the floor exercises with the body bar for the inner and outer thigh leg lifts? After doing PS SLA for the first time in a long time the other day, my knee feels sort of weird. I'm wondering if my knee will get used to it after awhile or if these exercises just might not be good for my knees. Any advice would be much appreciated. I want to shape up my inner and outer thighs, but not at the expense of my knees.

I haven't had problems with it, but putting a weight on the foot or ankle (ankle weights or a body bad held there) can put stress on the knees. An alternative would be to use a thigh weight (or if you have two ankle weights you can hook together to attach above the knee) or hold a dumbbell on the thigh, above the knee. This adds resistance for the upper leg without putting possible stress on the knee joint.
I have had that not so good feeling when doing the leg lifts. I find that if I am not absolutely perfect in my form and turn the knee to the side and keep it there (very important) and don't keep the foot flat out to the side and keep it there, I can get the same feeling.

I wouldn't think it is any kind of cartilage damage as much as a strain on the tendons and muscles of the leg surrounding the knee from both the thigh and the lower leg. After having a small meniscus tear treated with surgery (and chondromalacia of the patella trimmed off), I generally don't use the weighted bar (I only have an 8 lb bar) for the floor work (lying leg lifts) any more. If it feels more like you have a bone rubbing on bone (a grating, grinding or popping sensation), see the doctor. If it's more of a muscle ache, I'd rest up, ice it, and see how it does. If it continues on, though, head to your doctor.

If you haven't done the workout in a while, that will always kick in the extra ache. If you have been doing it, check your form and lighten the weight or eliminate it for now. I don't care for ankle weights much myself but placing them on the thigh is another way around it and moves the weights up past the knee and still puts resistance on the muscles. Hope this is of some help. Feel better!
I know PS, but not SLA ... I have found out that I can't do anymore than 35 lbs on lunges, everything else I can go up to 40 lbs, but not lunges, it hurts my left knee to do that with 40lbs. Rhonda :7
I always use a dumbell or ankle weight above the knee on floorwork. I also get that sensation in my knee if I use a Body Bar, and the knee was not designed to support a lot of weight from the side. I don't want to risk injuring it, and you can rest a lot of weight on your thigh and get a good floor workout without risking knee problems.
Thank you all for your responses. I do have some thigh weights I got awhile ago through Karen Voight's website that I've only used once or twice. I'll dig those out of their hiding place and try using them for resistance. If those don't work I'll try holding a dumbell on my thigh. I don't have a body bar, was using an unloaded barbell which was probably around 12 pounds. That was hard for me, so I probably didn't maintain the best form which didn't help any. Thanks again for all your suggestions and have a good weekend!

I've never injured myself doing any workout tape, and I don't have a body bar so I used a dumbell in PS/SLA for the inner and outer thigh work. Maybe your weight is just too heavy? I was used to these moves from several old Firm tapes, and I did find I couldn't go quite as heavy with Cathe's tape because she puts in FAR more reps. Maybe just use a lighter bar, or a lighter dumbell and see if that feels better?


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