Ps Rotation check-in


Hello Ladies,
Well, you busted me Waterbabie.I was cheating but I still worked hard.:p My eating finally cleaned up a little better this week.My problem is that I love to bake,I make things and then who do you think eats it?
Anyway, my week looked like this:
Sunday:Body MAx
Mon:Imax 2
Tues:Boot camp a.m and Imax 2 P.m
Wed:Cardio and weights and Ps chest and shoulders
Thurs:Rythmics step and ps tri,bic,back
Fri:Imax 2 and Pyramid upper body

As you can probably tell, I am loving Imax 2.The music is great.I was thinking of doing cardio and weights today but I am still sore from friday nights workout.But I still might torture myself.I am pretty lazy right now.I have been up for over 3 hours but I still feel tired.
Thats about it.Anyone noticing any changes in their bodies? I think at this point in my fitness level I need to work on my eating habits instead of my workouts.I think I would greatly benefit from cutting off my picky fingers.:9 I am enjoying following a rotation though,it gives you something to work towards.
Best of luck in the next two weeks...ouch
Hi Lori,

My goodness!! All those IMAX2 3 X and BodyMax in one week!.. well I guess with that you should be able to eat whatever you want!

My attention was wandering this week as well and I went to my old habits of doing cardio... I took it kind of easy due to my schedule and totally blew it at the end of the week. My workout last week bears little resemblance to the rotation.

I should have my new DVDs this week and I may have to switch over to the pyramid rotation in week 6. We'll see... I am committing to follow the rotation to the letter this week!

Sun Rest
Mon CTX Kickbox (I was able to do some planks!! I usually sit these out or a few secs)
Wed Step Fever
Thurs PS CST
Friday IMAX
Sat Rest

Hope everyone else had a good week!
I'm still here just plugging away each day.
Here was my week

Mon-CTX Step N Intervals(cardio section only) PS BBA
Tue-Tae bo
Wed-CTX Leaner legs
Thu-Step Works
Fri-MIC(Hi/Lo section only)PS CST
Sat-Cardio Kicks
Sun -off

I really feel motivated seeing all your posts each week.
It makes me want to work that much harder and get stronger.
Hi follow PS'ers,
Okay well last week for me was Week 1 for after recovering from the flu and laryngitis. I stepped on the scale and it read 245lbs a 5lb loss. Well, I guess there's nothing like illness to help drop a few quick pounds. I know most of it was probably water and muscle loss though. Anyway, I too didn't stick to the rotation very well as I was still pretty wiped, but I'm proud of the fact that I did do something.

Sunday: Off
Monday: 45 mins treadmill
Tuesday:pS CST
Wednesday:pS BBA
Thursday: PS SLA
Friday: Off
saturday: Off

I definitely need to throw more cardio into the mix but I was still feeling lazy and just couldn't motivate myself to pop another tape into the VCR or get on my treadmill. I'm lucky I get in my workout at all my son (16months) is soooo active and such a night owl. How you ladies manage to workout with a toddler in the house is beyond me. Have a good week.
I did absolutely nothing this week. I am a Premier Designs Jeweler, and we had a Rally in Pittsburgh over the weekend. Of course, I got 0 sleep!!!! It is like a big slumber party!!! I came back and slept half the day yesterday, and today I did not spring out of bed either. I have to have surgery on my toe on Thurs., so I am going to rest this week, and get into it next week. I will have to really limit my cardio, but I figure I can do my Pyramid tapes. My DVD's should be here by Monday!!! I can not wait!!
Lori S.

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