PS Rotation Check-in


Good Day Girlys;
How is everyone? Well, I went out last night and I didn't get home until 2:30 and then I got up again at 10:30.I drank a XL coffee but I still feel super tired.Prehaps I will have a nap and then that will straighten me out.:-tired
My week went pretty good.Once again I took yesterday as my day off.I had full intentions of getting off work and doing MIS but then my plans changed.I always liked taking saturdays as my day off anyway.Hopefully, I will get enough energy later today and I will catch up.
Last Sunday: Power hour and Rythmic step
Monday:Cardio Kicks
Tuesday:KAthy Smith aerobics(25min) and PS legs
Wed:Rythmic Step and Ps ches,shou,tri
Thurs:Step Works and PS B/Bic
FRi:powerstrike #3
Today:(maybe) MIS or I may do Body Max

I upped my weights for some of the shoulder work and chest work.
When we were getting ready to go out last night I put a pair of my jeans on.They were the stretchy kind.I turned side on and sized my self up in the mirror and I said to my husband;
"just look at this ass,look how nice it is getting,just touch it"
he said"I know I touched it before":-rollen
Really, I was the only one who was taking any interest in my ass but thats o.k. Right now,the only changes that I am finding in my body is my rear view and a bit more in my biceps.As for strength,it would probably be my chest.I can do alot more pushups without getting as tired.
I steped on the scale one day this week and I weighed 124lbs.Normally, I bounce around from 124-127.I don't normally go by the scale but some of my pants are feeling a little looser:D.
Anyway,I hope you ladies had a good week.Week 4 comm'in up.I don't think that I am really looking forward to Week 5 and 6.I am going to need more sleep this week then what I got last week.
Have a good day,
Hey Lori,

Congrats on that nice butt! Hey, if you like it that's all that matters :) I'm hoping the Intensity DVDs get here soon.. maybe I'll get to play hooky by week 6! :) What did you think of PSM 3? I did that on Friday also for the first time. It wasn't as intense as I expected but I really enjoyed it. I appreciate the realism..but it would be okay if they toweled off a bit -- some of those sweaty closeups were a bit much.

This week went pretty well..I'm not exhausted by week's end and lost another 2 lbs. I'm showing progress in chest also.. I even busted out a few full toe pushups this week. The biggest thing for me is the standing leg work which I've never done. It really has seemed to help with cardio endurance. I missed PS BBA on Thursday 'cause I couldn't get up the energy that evening -- bad day at work. So I made sure I used max weight during MIS. Could be why I've been napping all day.

Hope everyone else had a good week too! Have a good one!

Here was my week:

Mon: CTX 10-10-10 + CTX AS Abs + Stretch
Tues: PS SL&A
Wed: morning - 1/2 hr Step Heaven
evening - 15 min GForce Super Step & PS CST
Thurs: Step Jam
Fri: PS Mill 3
Sat: MIS

~~ Sharon ~~
Sharon,I think I like #3 the best out of all the powerstrike videos.I gave my sister #1 when she was home.I never did like that one.The kicks were to fast.I probably like #3 the best b/c the music finally changed.I don't know why they need to play the same song over and over again.
Much like taebo,I don't really know why these people are sweatin so much.Sure it;s a great workout but I don't even come close to dripping like that.I think they have the heat turned up.
Good job on the push ups.I like push ups, beleive it or not.My next step up this week, I think,will be the push ups that are on the step.I always do them on the floor.
Have a good week,I may cheat alittle this week with the Intensity Series.It should be here tomorrow.Prehaps if I get up early tomorrow morning and do my workout, then in the evening I will do IMAX 2.Thats the one I am going to do first.I am all over that one.:D
I flunked this week big time. I only worked out for the first 3 days. I have a corn on my foot and have to have surgery on it the 30th of Jan. It is so sore, I can hardly wear shoes. That constant pounding of all those aerobics is killing my foot, plus my knees. I work out in my basement, and I do have carpet down, and some pads, but my knees have really been bothering me too. I am going to start the Lean Body Challenge next Monday. It is less aerobics, and more weight training. I am still going to use my Cathe vids. I am going to do PS C,S,Tri's tomorrow, plus those same sections in MIS, and maybe walk on my treadmill for 30 min. I have to go out of town from Thurs-late Sat. night, so my week again is going to be kinda screwed up.
Don't be to hard on yourself.You can't do what your body won't let you.My ankles and knees act up ever once in a while.My knees usually ache in the summer b/c I run more and my ankles ache in the winter cause I do more step.They haven't been to bad lately but I change my sneakers alot.
Good luck with your other challenge.As long as your doing something , thats all that matters right?
Well, here we all are going into week 3 or 4 (depending on when you started) and I'm just now starting week 1 (should be on week 3 by now) I've finally gotten over the flu and got my voice back (had laringitis too) the baby and my b/f both are back to full health so hopefully that's all still next cold/flu season. I'm actually a little afraid of stepping on my scale tomorrow as I have been eating horribly (when I actually had an appetite that is) these two weeks past. I know I shouldn't let this set back get me down, because who could have predicted that I would come down with what my b/f and son both had. Normally, I don't get sick, I make sure to get my vitamins and my extra dose of vitamin C everyday in order to avoid it all together.

Lori, Congrats on your nice rear. I wish I could say the same about mine. My butt and my thighs are the two body parts I hate the most, running a close 2nd would be my abs.

Way to go Sharon with your loss for the week. Keep it up and by the time you get your DVDs you'll be able to tackle IMAX2 and Boot Camp with no problems at all. Have you bought yourself a stability and med ball yet? I bought a stability ball just not a medicine ball still procastinating on whether or not I want to get an 8 pounder or go lighter but then would hate to have to buy another ball later on down the road.

BTW Lori, you're gonna love the Intensity series once you get them tomorrow I've only previewed and I'm already in love. But there is NO way I'm ready for them not the way I slacked during the holidays. I can't wait until I get a little stronger (and up my cardiovascular endurance a bit more) so I can take on Boot Camp to me this one is the one that will decide whether or not I'm ready to take it to the next level.

LoriSax, sorry to hear about your foot. Hope its not getting you too down in the dumps. But at least you got in some type of a workout for the week before you were sidelined. You did loads better than me that's for sure.

This will be my first time posting on this thread.
I am still learning some of these tapes but I am having tons of fun doing them.
My week looked something like this:
Sun- Step Jam
Mon- PS L&A
Tue- Tae bo
wed- CTX All Step(cardio section only)PS CST
Thu- Step Fit
Fri- CTX 10-10-10(cardio section only) PS BBA
Sat- Off

So that was a great week for me.
I hope everyone enjoys their workouts this week

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