I just had to give myself a pat on the back. I did BBA this morning and could actually keep with my heaviest weights through the negative bicep curls. In the past I couldn't get through all the reps, I would die at about 6-8 reps but this morning I made it through them all. The only time I had to go down was the last set of concentration curls, I probably could have stayed heavy but for correct form I decided to go down. I just had to tell someone and I know you all know how it is to do something you haven't done before. Yippee!!! Tomorrow I am planning on doing the standing legs portion of SLA. I think it is time to go back to a PS rotation.

I know others also do the FIRM. How do you fit that in with the PS rotation?
Thanks for listening
Great job!

It sounds like you're really doing great with PS BBA! I did it yesterday also, and actually felt like I could increase the weight on some of the exercises the next time. Not on those negative curls, though. I'm still dying at rep 7 of the second set!

What I'm doing right now is each PS tape once a week, and then 1 day I do a Firm total body tape ( usually Super Sculpting ). It's only my second week like this, so I can't say for sure how it will go, but since I felt so strong yesterday in BBA, it's a good sign, right?

Have a great day!


for Rhonda!! Clap, Clap, Clap!!! Isn't it a great feeling when we accomplish something that is sooo good for us too?!!! I just received BB&A in the mail today on loan(THANK YOU SOOO MUCH Susan!)and I can't wait to try it. I also received CS&T. I think I am going to start a new rotation with these also. I will probably just combine it with my Cathe's and my new TaeBo's and see what happens. I love getting new tapes, It just ups your energy level. Thanks for the warning Rhonda & Erin on those curls.

hi rhonda, i just read your post and am still trying to learn all the lingo so i need to ask you what is bba and sla. bty, congratulations on your workout. it sounds like something i would like to aspire to.

Hi, Lisa! BBA stands for Cathe's Pure Strength Back, Biceps, and Abs. SLA is Pure Strength Strong Legs and Abs. In case it comes up in the future, CST is Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps from the same series. I hope this helps!


I was just thinking of a way to do a rotation with FIRM so I don't burn out on any one set of tapes. That is a good way to throw in 1 or 2 total body FIRMS a week along with Cathe's PS (Pure Strength) tapes.

I am getting Cathe's new tapes also and cannot wait for them.

Thanks everyone, tomorrow is C/S/T so we will see if the weight increases or not????
Hey, Miss Deb Neighbor!

Wait till you get Taebo's a killer! I've been doing it for the last couple of weeks, and it's the toughest no far. I'm waiting for #6 now.

I LOVE a challenge! I love the lower body work on Volume 2 seeing as that is where I need help. I'll keep at it til number 3 arrives. I'll get back to you on our walk next Saturday neighbor. You'll be glad to know that I have my surgery scheduled for this Saturday. Not too happy about that but at least after this week it will be behind me. I am sooo NOT looking forward to backing off my tapes for awhile. I know I will definitely have "Cathe~Withdrawal"! I'll drop you an E-mail later. Deb
new to site

hi. I'm new to this forum thing, and am sitting on my couch with ice packs on my face having just had all of my wisdom teeth removed. So I have a little extra time to look up stuff on the net that interests me. exercising with videos is at the top of my list, especially during the summer when I can't go outside to workout. I live in Phoenix and it is already 106 degrees out there! So, for the past four or five years I've been doing the following types of exercise: gym membership--did step classes, sculpting classes, and a few spinning classes, the last of which I hated! Unfortunately, when i moved to Arizona I lost my free gym membership, so I switched to hiking and using various strength videos I have accumulated over the years (mostly Kathy Smith lower and upper body sculpting). Now that its summer, I have to only use videos, so I'm doing an hour of cardio on my lunch break (intense moves, some wimpy kathy Smith stuff, and a couple older gin Miller videos--aerostep, reebok the video, etc.) I work in a preschool, and when my break is over the kids are napping in the classroom, so I sculpt in there for about 45 minutes while they sleep. However, I am in need of variety!! After reading alot about Cathe, it sounds like her stuff is great.. What does anyone reccomend? And are there videos out there that will let me cross train a little bit. I hate to overuse the same muscles--I really miss my hikes but its just toooo hot!
Basically, can someone reccomend some good cardio videos that will fit into my hour break, and even some strength videos to alternate...
p.s. I'd say I'm intermediate, although its hard for me to judge. I am challenged but exhilerated by Intense Moves, which will maybe help you determine what else might be good for me
Hi and Welcome!

It actually sounds like what you're looking for is the crosstraining set Cathe is going to be filming in a few weeks. She is doing 6 videos, each with 25 - 30 minutes of intense cardio followed by weight training of 1 body part/tape plus some abs on some. The cardio will be step, hi/lo, and kickboxing, depending on the video. They'll all clock in under an hour. You can find a better description by going to the home page and following links for the new videos.

In terms of what is available now, Step Heat and Get in Shape For Your Wedding ( Don't let the title put you off. It's a great video! ) are great 1st Cathe videos to learn her style. The wedding video is especially good because there are 2 complete workouts, 1 step and 1 weight training. Her Pure Strength videos can be done in less than an hour except for Strong Legs and Abs, and that could be split up between the standing leg work and the floor work. Lately I've been combining them with cardio so that I hit both in the same workout session. The plan is to do at least 30 minutes of cardio ( including warm up ) followed by the PS of the day. If I have more time or am feeling particularly good I go longer with the cardio. I'm seeing great results!
By the way, all of Cathe's tapes are done in 2 or 3 cardio sections, so if you have less than an hour to work out, you could just do a couple of sections. It's very convenient. Good luck!

If you haven't discovered the Video Fitness web site yet, it's a great resource! There is a forum there as well, plus a huge video review section. The address is

Hi Wendy

I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. I also live in Arizona so I know what you mean about the heat. I live in Safford, I don't know if you know where that is or not. As far as Cathe's videos go I've been doing them for about 5 years now and I think they're great, nothing else even compares. It's hard to recommend a tape because they're all so good but I think Powermax would be a fun one for you to try. Step Heat is good too it was my first Cathe tape and its a good one to start with. As far as strength goes the Pure Strength series is a great one. I'm still seeing results from doing these tapes. I can't wait for Cathe's new videos! Anyway whatever one you choose you'll be sure to love it.

Hi Wendy

A big welcome from me too and ditto on all that Erin recommended about the video will love Cathes videos!

As far as those wisdom teeth go
...I work in a dental office...keep that ice on all day and your recovery will be much better. Some offices don't always stress that and when people get home, they get tired of it..but it does help in the long run.

pat pat pat...

Rhonda, there is a pat on the back from me too! I just started back into a PS rotation and anyone who can stay heavy on those dang negatives deservers a pat!


I was so happy to see responses, and such helpful ones at that! You have all convinced me to get some Cathe tapes, and it was great that you all pretty much agreed on which to try first. I'm sure I'll love them--how great to have a change not only in insructor but in workout style, too. I'm hoping that my library will carry some of the tapes you all suggested, so I can check them out (literally!) before I have to fork out the money. I know, I know, videos are worth it in the long run, but I still have a hard time paying so much!
I hope these teeth stop bleeding soon (sorry to gross anyone out), and I can get back to working out! I usually don't miss a day, although I must admit I try to take it easy on the weeekend. By tomorrow I know I'll be feeling antsy...
Thanks again for your messages of welcome, and for your insight!
Hi Wendy

Hi Wendy, I live in the Phoenix area too (for 2 years) and just had to say hi to you. This is my first post. I've taught step and kickboxing for the last 5 years and I just found Cathe about 1 month ago and I love her. Most videos haven't challenged me until now. My goal is to gain muscle and loose some fat and I've been doing Interval Max 2 days a week and Max Intensity Strength 2 days a week, the other 2 days I do kickboxing or just practice my martial arts moves and stretches. I can't wait to get the new videos and I want to get some of the old ones too. Unfortunately I haven't seen the Cathe tapes at the library in Glendale yet. :eek:( Good luck with your wisdom teeth and I hope to hear from you soon. :eek:)
hi Kim

Sorry it took so long for me to respond! I've been gone for the past week and just saw your message. I can't find them in the Phoenix or Scottsdale (that's where I live, actually) libraries, and it's driving me crazy because I'm sooo poor right now! I just want to find the ones that are right for me before I make the commitment and the plunge into my wallet. Ugh. I'm so looking forward to getting some Cathe videos, though, and can't wait to see what everyone is raving about! Anyway, it was nice of you to say hi--your goals sound like mine, too. let me know how things are going.--Wendy

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