PS and other stuff


Active Member
Okay, so now that I've been reading up on all these great videos, and I want to buy everything that Cathe's done, I'm having some nightmares about going into debt. I used to spend every weekend getting new exercise videos, but I've been out of that mode for awhile now.
I think I'm interested in getting the Pure Strength Series, but am I getting out of my league? I have a set of dumbells --5,8,and 10 pounds. I basically only use the 10 pounds for my upper body, and I don't usually use weights with my lower body. I strength train three times a week, doing about half an hour of upper body and 20 minutes of lower. If I get this series of videos (or the new series, for that matter), will I have to make a huge investment in equipment that I won't even be strong enough to use? Should I get stronger first, and then get the videos? I don't want to waste my money, but I want to get stronger and more defined and i think this is the way I want to do it. But what do I need to do Cathe's strength tapes?
Tahnk you thank you for your wisdom!
PS tapes

Hi Wendy - I think if you can somehow afford it (charge!) you should take the plunge - the PS tapes are wonderful and you will progress with them. I recently started using Cathe's tapes (about 12 weeks ago) & the PS series were among the first batch I ordered. When I first got them I only had hand weights (5 lbs, 7lbs & 10 lbs) and that's what I used the first few times; I substituted the hand weights for the barbell. However, doing the tape REALLY motivated me to buy a barbell set - I found a pretty inexpensive one at a Gart Sports store (around $50.) My handy husband put foam around the middle of the bar to make it more comfortable on my shoulders. I am SO impressed with the workouts because I can really see results . I did the Kathy Smith Secrets of a Great Body (upper & lower) and, although those are good tapes for beginners, had stopped progressing. Although the PS tapes have some good tough exercises - you determine HOW tough they are by the weight you use. I think you will be really happy with the tapes - Good luck!
Hi Wendy2! Cathe's Power Strength tapes you have to invest your money in a barbell and a couple of different plates. However, for you I think I would recommend a new tape that Keli Roberts came out with using a body bar instead of a barbell. I think this tape would start you off on the right track for giving you the strength you need for Cathe's tapes. Even with Cathe's Strong Legs and Abs tape, you need to invest in a body bar and if you don't have an adjustable weight bench for serious weight lifting you can forget about it. Her tapes are pretty advanced. Keli Roberts tape is listed in Collage's new catalogue and its called "Body Bar Challenge". It's advanced too but you use dumbbells as well. Hope this helped, Kathy
Hi Wendy!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-00 AT 12:07PM (EST)</font></center>

I personally think that you will do just fine starting off with just your dumbells. As long as you have two of each weight to balance out both sides, it should be a good start for you. As far as a weight bench goes, you can substitute a Step for it. It works great. As a matter of fact, that is what Cathe uses in the tapes. A lot of the lower body work she does can be done very effectively w/o the use of weights especially given the fact that you usually do not use weight for your lower body. Give the tapes a try. You will NOT be disappointed. I bet it won't be long though til you will want to invest in a barbell. Cathe has that effect on all of us.
Let us know what you decide!! DebbieH
One more thing~~A pair of inexpensive ankle weights would work just fine for the floor work that Cathe does with a bodybar if you want the added resistance! Hope this helps!
PS---Cathe is sensitive to home excerciser's needs

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-00 AT 02:56PM (EST)</font></center>

I believe Cathe really designed these series to allow you to workout effectively without expensive equipment. As mentioned in a the earlier post, she uses a step bench in place of weight training bench, dumbells, body bar and a barbell. The excercises requiring the barbell can be done with dumbells just as effectively. Even though it is considered an "Advanced" workout, Cathe amazingly coaches you through it and teaches amazing form. I was novice to weight training and bought these six months ago; the results that I have acheived with this workout are amazing. I use 4 sets of dumbells, leg weights, and a step bench. Cathe's style of instruction, sincereity, and the design of the workout itself de-mystifies the complexity often associated with weight training. Go for it.
Hi Wendy

I don't think you need to get stronger before doing Cathe's PS series. You can modify the workout to use any weight you want and since you've already been strenght training you'll probably do fine. I think the weights you have will be fine to start out with. As you get stronger you'll probably want to invest in some heavier dumbells (a set of 15 and a set of 20). I do recommend a barbell for these workouts though. It's possible to do them without one but it's not quite the same. I bought mine at K-Mart for $20 and its been a great investment. Cathe uses a bodybar in Strong Legs and Abs but I've found I can this workout effectively without one. I think this is what you're looking for to get the results you want. I haven't found any other videos that even compare to Cathe's. She's a great instructor and fun to do. I hope this answers your questions.

Jacque (a fellow Arizonian)
PS: Is it hot enough for you yet?
They are worth the money

I do the PS series all the time with only dumbells and a step bench and they work fine. I even use a dumbell on my thigh for the floorwork in the Legs tape.

I think that this series and MIS are the best strength training tapes on the market and any serious strength trainer should invest in them.
Believe me, they are worth the money. You will not regret it.
you could modify

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-09-00 AT 06:23AM (EST)</font></center>

I second all the "go ahead" opinions. If you all ready have a full size have your bench and you can modify pretty much all of the exercises with the dumbells(and you will be glad they are lighter for some of the will be getting good form down first)..although once you get going with the videos and get stronger, you will love them and want to progress into that barbell, but like others have can find affordable ones out there. And as far as the body bar don't even need one. Pat is in the back row demonstrating without one(which you will appreciate the first few times
), plus you can use ankle weights and..I use my empty barbell. Hey...I even did it last time standing up with no weight.

Go for is no doubt one of the best strength workouts out there....even for beginners 'cause of the form pointers and the fact that you are going to always use the weight that is appropriate to you.


Wow. I never expected so many replies! I've been gone for the past week and have been dying to see if I got any responses. To make a long story short, I'm going to do it. Thanks, all of you, for your really helpful advice.
short step


My step that I bought 6 years ago is one of the short ones. Of course, I didn't realize back then that a few more dollars for a longer one would be well worth the extra money. Anyway,
I noticed that you said a step could be substituted for a weight bench in the PS series,
does this mean even a short step would work?
I'm still doing the wedding tape muscle conditioning, but plan to buy the PS series in 7 to 8 weeks when I'm (hopefully) stronger.

Hi Lisa!

I would say if you can fit your head and your rear on the step having your knees bent and feel planted on the floor, your step should work. If it was any shorter, I don't know that you would be able to keep good form on certain moves. Hope yours is long enough. If you get the opportunity to pick up a long step, hopefully cheap at a garge sale or re-sale shop, you will definitley love it for your Cathe step tapes. You will not regret getting the PS series. It is great!! Good Luck.


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