

I'm trying to eat some protein with most meals and snacks. What can I consider to be a protein source? How many grams of protein should a food have to qualify as a good protein source?

I have trouble telling whether my cereal, which has 6g of protein, is a good source (maybe cause cereal isn't a typical protein source). The same goes for things like pizza and milk. I obviously can't eat a chicken breast for every meal, so I'm looking for foods that I like that have some protein.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-01-02 AT 04:36PM (Est)[/font][p]Great question:

My humble opinion is . . . (This is from an article that I've written on the subject. It's not the complete article, but it is pieces of it that may apply.)

Quality protein is from natural food sources, such as: Meats, dairy, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Just to name a few.

Now complete proteins are different. There are nine amino acids that the body cannot produce. They are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

In order to get those amino acids, this is what you have to do:

1. Meat foods (including fish and poultry)
2. Dairy foods
3. Eggs
4. For Vegans there is a simple rule to get the right amount of proteins, just combine grains with some beans or seeds, for example:
..4.1. Millet and aduki beans
..4.2. Brown rice and sunflower seeds
..4.3. Soybeans and rice with sesame, corn, wheat, or rye
..4.4. Peanuts with a grain or coconut
..4.5. Grains with legumes or leafy greens
..4.6. Beans and corn or rice
..4.7. Peas and wheat

Protein-Rich Foods: How much?

Two or three servings (just 6 to 7 ounces total) of lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts or seeds daily should supply enough to meet the needs of most athletes. Athletes involved in endurance sports and weight lifters need somewhat more: three to four servings a day.

Protein as an energy source:

The body will break down and use carbohydrates first, then fats for energy; if these sources are low, it will burn dietary protein. Should the diet be deficient in energy sources, it will break down tissue proteins to meet our needs. We do not store extra amino acids (as we do fat) other than in tissue proteins, so we will destroy body protein when fuel is needs, usually after our fat stores are depleted. So make sure that you get enough carbohydrates into your daily diet.

MORAL to this story, protein isn’t what you think it is. The body uses the amino acids to build and repair body tissues (all . . . not just muscle), not protein. However, supplementing your amino acids will not have any great effect. You need a healthy, variety, well balanced diet in order to ensure good muscle definition combined with exercise – strength training.

Sources: Staying Health with Nutrition, The American Dietetic Association’s Complete Food & Nutrition Guide, The Nutrition Almanac, and me.

Keta. :D

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Hi Keta,
I just checked out your home page and i gotta hand it to you! What you have accomplished is amazing! You look fabulous and congratulations to you for sticking with it. I get frustrated for my clients who want to lose only 20-30 pounds and how they struggle with that. You have lost an entire person and without resorting to surgery or pills! I plan on sharing your home page with one client in particular to serve as an inspiration for her--to let her know that she really can do it if she really wants to! Once again, congratulations!
Thank you Beets. You made me smile. That was very kind of you to say.

Keta. :D

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THANKS KETA for the great information. I always learn so much from you whether it's on this forum or the old firm forum. Your website is amazing too, not to mention fun. Take care.
Keta gave you some fantastic advice (I personally think she is a nutrition wizard! :) ) and, as a vegan, I would just like to add a few things. Combining grains and legumes is indeed a great source of protein but, contrary to what we used to think, it is not necessary to eat them together to reap the benefits. As long as you eat these foods over the course of the day, your body will combine them to form a complete protein. Also, I think that quinoa is a particularly wonderful grain when it comes to getting enough protein, since it contains all the amino-acids and thus constitutes a complete protein source in itself... and it's soooo delicious!
I suggest tracking your intake for three days or so using a calculator like You'll be amazed by how much protein you take in! Fruits and veggies and whole grains are all sources as well as meat and dairy. It's very easy to get enough and as long as you eat a variety of foods, your body will find all the essential amino acids present and will flourish!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
Just want to say, everyone has given great advice! Keta speaks the truth about protein. I think a lot of people have this simplistic notion that carbohydrates turn to fat and protein is magically deposited right on your biceps. This just isn't so.
It is also true that complementary proteins do not need to be combined at one meal, so that is good advice too.
And finally, someone else raised the point that protein may be found in starches and vegetables. This is so true. We really take in more protein than we think.
Thanks everyone.

That is a great point about not having to eat the combinations at the same time. I changed my article to reflect that. That was a great clarification. I love it when I learn new things from people. :D

Protein is in everything that we eat, except for pure fats and base refined foods, i.e. sugar. Everything else has some amount of protein in it. That's why the American diet is so protein rich. For some reason we think that we need extra protein in our diets to help us with muscle development. It is true, but no where near what we think we need. What we need more of is good quality carbs in our diet. That is really lacking in the American diet and it shows. We are also supplement happy. But that's another subject.

I love talking about this stuff!

Again, thanks for all the kind words. You really did make me smile and a lot today. I needed it too, had a bad day at work.


Keta. :D

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