Protein Shakes approved for Preggers???


Hi everyone! I am not pregnant yet. However, DH and I plan to start trying in late May, early June :+ So... hopefully if all goes well I will be joining you very soon :)

I was just wondering if any of you drink protein shakes and if you have found any approved for pregnant women? I am soooo addicted to the EAS shakes and drink at least 2 Myoplex Lite shakes a day. I really need to find something similar approved for preggers! I am not a big meat eater (can only stand it about once a day). So... the shakes are a life saver for me as they help me get all the protein I need. I don't think the Myoplex Lite ones are o.k. mostly because of the aspartame? Wonder if the regular Myoplex ones are alright?

Any ideas you can share will be much appreciated! I guess it is not too early to start doing this research.

When I was pregnant, I asked my doctor about taking a protein shake. She said that there are some you can take...although she didn't give me any brands....but you really have to watch for the ingredients. For example, the one that I took in and showed her had like 75% of your RDA of vitamin A. She said no way to this one since too much vitamin A can be toxic to a fetus and getting vitamin A in your diet is easy enough. She also said you have to watch because some protein shakes contain stuff like ginsing (sp?) and the like. She said that there were some you could take, but I got the impression that she would rather I stayed away from them. Sorry, I wasn't much help. I am sure that some other Catheiers can help you more.

Stay away from Protien shakes. Eating 4 ounces of meat a day is much better for you and the baby. Nothing replaces natural protien. I'm not a big meat eater myself but when I was pregnant, I MADE sure I ate meat, lean meat, ALL different kinds of fruits and veggies. Drink milk as well since it has good protien in it. Stay away from the shakes. Being pregnant is about taking a good care of yourself and the baby....Not going nuts over artifical crap. I think eating/drinking anything like that is bad news. Don't worry- you're not going to get fat from eating lean meats anyway. If you worry about not being able to drink protien shakes while being pregnant, then don't get pregnant for a while. The baby is a lot more important than not being able to drink shakes or whatnot. Think about it very hard and see what you want. I'm not being crude but I don't like it when people go nuts eating and drinking crap that's really not all that healthy for you. Try to eat natural protiens.

Hmmm. Interesting.

I think you should look at the list of ingredients. I take a protein shake occasionally that helps me get the protein I need and doesn't have a lot of weird stuff. Mine is mostly milk and soy protein concentrates and flavoring. No herbs or ginseng or wacko stuff.

I personally can't stand the sight of meat when I am pregnant. Or eggs. Both absolutely turn my stomach.

Look at the list and ask your OB if anything on it is off limits and be educated!

I wish you the very best!

Thanks for the input. I too am like Jen as when I am pregnant I hate the site of meat and struggle with eating enough meat anyway even without being pregnant.

Maverick... I am not wanting protein shakes because I am worried about getting fat... only b/c I LOVE them and they have been a great way for me to get the protein and nutrients I need. I eat a ton of veggies, fruits etc. anyway and usually have no more than 1-2 shakes a day max. I absolutely put my baby first which is why I asked in the first place. Why would I want to WAIT to get pregnant and put a shake before my baby? Seems a little crazy to me. I was just asking a simple question to understand if any of you eat/drink healthy shakes. It just happens to be something I like. Sorry you took offense to it! Not all of us eat 100% clean and have reasons for it. I hate meat and most of the time have to force myself to eat it. Personal choice I guess.

I will talk to my O.B.

I'm not being mean. It's just that a lot of women out there have crazy ideas and I always feel bad for the fetus or the baby if the women don't take care of themselves or eat/drink stuff they shouldn't be drinking. Also, if you like them, eat peanut butter, beans, even drinking milk....They all have high protien. The reason why ob wants us to eat meat is because of the B vitamins so the baby's brain can develope correctly. I stayed away from seafood throughout my pregnancy because of the mercury poisoning. Why don't you make your own protien shake? I do that everyday for lunch after I work out...

2 TBSP peanut butter
5 ice cubes (crushed)
1 banana
4 strawberries
handful blueberries
1 vanilla yogurt
half a glass of either Vanilla Soy Milk or skim milk
teaspoon of vanilla extract
Throw them in the blender and blend for about a minute.

It is DELICIOUS. You can taste the fruit as well as the peanut butter. Or eat bean salads. I know you LOVE the shakes but try to stay away from them if you can. I'm surprised you like shakes. I've never had a protien shake but I've heard they taste nasty.
I would stay away from them. When I was pregnant with my 3 kids, my doctor told me to avoid this stuff, better to get protein in its more natural states.
Hi Fitnut! How great to hear that you are thinking of becoming pregnant soon.

As for protein shakes, I think the best thing you can do is take your EAS shake mix package to your OB and have him/her evaluate the list of ingredients. I have heard mixed opinions about protein shakes mainly due to the high potency nutrient content as well as some varying ingredients. Good for you for doing some early research on this. Best of luck to you and your hubby:)
Hi Lisa! It is very nice of you to be so concerned for all the moms-to-be, however, I think it is up to the reader themselves to decide what is best for them. It is one thing to share your views but it is quite different to "push" your views onto people. I'm sure you probably didn't even realize you came across this way, but your tone is inappropriate here. Dictating nutritional advice is also best left to the professionals. What foods work for one will not necessarily work for another. Your thoughts and views are very welcome here, however I only ask that you please be more courteous in the way you present them to us.

Thanks so much Lisa:)
Hi Fitnut! I think Cathe's suggestion is great one - getting your OB to check out the ingredients. I wish I'd thought of that suggeston myself - I'm 34 weeks pregnant!! I'm not a big animal protein eater myself and usually drink or eat protein bars to help get protein in me. Once I became pregnant, I was nervous about continuing with supplements because I had heard mixed things. I was so overcome with nausea in the first 4 months, I couldn't eat any animal protein anyway. I did make sure I took in lots of dairy and ate eggs as well. Then, once the nausea subsided, I started eating more beef, chicken, salmon along with dairy and eggs. I have to say, I'd rather be drinking my protein shake then munching on meat but I want to make sure I get enough iron and Essential Fatty Acids.
I bet there are meal replacement drinks your OB or a dietician can recommend - I would guess the important thing is to use a supplement that is balanced rather than one which has an extraordinary amount of one particular nutrient.

Good luck and happy conceiving!!!! :) Helen
Thanks everyone for your great advice :+ I didn't even think about the fact that the shakes could have too much of 1 vitamin etc. I will probably talk to my OB and see what she has to say:)

Also, thanks for the fertililty thoughts! Hopefully it will happen as easily as the first since it happened the very first month.

We decided we are going to start trying in June or July!!!!!!!!!!! I am already getting soooooooooooo excited!
Reasons I used soy protein shakes

Hi fitnut! I just thought I would share my experience and you can do with the info. what you like! I used Shaklee's protein shakes (yes, they are a MLM company like pampered chef but that's not the point). I chose them for the companies stellar reputation in science and research but I used protein shakes to help me with WICKED morning sickness that lasted all day. I had received some information from a woman who has her master's degree in food science from Cornell University who suggests this to people. I took Shaklee's information to my doctor who was already familiar with the company and told me to use it as often as necessary. Their drinks are soy protein and my doctor loved the following: no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, pesticies, fungicides, etc. = nothing to harm baby.

I will also share that my shakes also helped me with some intense constipation issues I experienced (Oh for the joys of pregnancy!). They also gave me energy when it was the only thing I could get down and keep down in the first trimester!

Lastly, while you can take a can to your doctor, if they don't know a lot about this stuff, Shaklee will actually send them the research behind their product and ingredients if you request it. I've done that twice for other non-pregnancy related issues.

Good luck to you and can't wait for the good word!


Soy contains plant estrogens which can cross the placenta and affect fetal development. Some scientists also believe that soy intake during pregnancy increases miscarriage risk. My dr told me to avoid it as much as possible during pregnancy & breastfeeding.

I had horrible morning sickness during my 1st trimester and couldn't keep down any meat, poultry, or fish. My dr recommended whey protein powder, other dairy products, and legumes.

Definitely go in for a pre-conception physical and talk to your ob/gyn about your concerns.

Best wishes,

So much different research out there!

Hey Claire! Thanks for putting this in here. This is why I go "gut instinct" plus doctor's advice. There's so much conflicting information out there. I chose soy over whey after finding much research supporting it's benefits during pregnancy to mom, fetus, etc. My doctor was at the other end of the spectrum than your's (oh but for the incosistencies of the medical profession!!;) but I'm glad you brought this up as health care providers are so different in their views as well.

Fitnut, I know it seems like a lot to consider but it looks like, from the responses, you'll get enough information and ideas to be able to ask great questions that your doctor should be able to answer or may refer you elsewhere.

Hope the talk of the adverse affects of pregnancy don't scare you's SSSSOOOO worth it!

Hi Pammer!!! You really confuse me changing your log on to fitnut, I still think of you as LuvCardio!!! Great to hear your thinking of having another!!! How many children do you have? Regarding protein shakes, I'm a strong believer in moderation (although I have problems achieving it, I tend to be an all or nothing person). I am a vegan and am pregnant(very early) and I've heard conflicting reports on the soy issue, so my idea is to opt not to eat it so often, maybe just once in while - err on the safe side. Maybe while your pregnant you could drink your shakes once in a while and substitute fruit smoothies for the other times? Just a thought. We love strawberries, bananas, and ricemilk or plain yogurt in our family and they are great pregnancy shakes. Will be praying all goes well for you and baby to be! Keep us posted.

And Ms. Cathe.....I'm going to miss being pregnant with you. My last baby was born April 3, 2002 and it was such fun to follow your pregnancy as I was right there with ya!!! Don't suppose there is any chance of you being pregnant once again, nope not while your in the throws of more new videos, although if it was possible for anyone it would be you. I already put in my order for another IMAX type video, maybe a pregnancy IMAX, like where we all wear stretch bands to hold our tummies up while doing plyojacks?? Oh how fun!!!


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