Protein bars?


Do protein bars fill you up for the amount of calories they have (usually 200+)? Which once do you think are best? and why?
I normally go for taste, where protein bars are concerned.I buy Kashi Go Lean, Cookies and Cream.I only eat half a bar at a time b/c they have 300 cals.I sometimes buy Zone bars.And i usually buy Advantage bars.Right now I am in to Advantage Choclate Peanut butter.It is almost like a rice krispie square with choclate over it.
In my opion the choclate on these bars are not like real choclate.It doesn't melt in your mouth.I have tried alot of protein bars but you are lucky when you find one you like.Some of them are very chaulky and don't taste very good.The ones I find to be like that are the more expensive ones.I also bought a Meso Tech bar one time but ended up wasting $5.It wasn't very good.
I think anything from Advantage usually taste pretty good,hope I helped.
Speaking of bars, here's a recipe that I found on another board, I haven't tried it so I dunno how good it is, but I imagine you could vary the ingredients if you don't like peanut butter.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bars

1/4 cup of natural peanut butter
3 tbs fat-free chocolate syrup
3 scoops chocolate protein powder
1 1/2 tbs water
Combine PB and chocolate syrup, add protein and enough water to moisten slightly. Place mixture on waxed paper and knead by hand to blend ingredients. Form into 4 small bars. Store in refrigerator.

Makes 4 bars.
Calories 170 (each bar)
Protein 17grams
Carbs 13 grams
Fat 6 grams
I really like Odwalla bars (the super protein one). I think it works well once in a while for one the go. They have a lot of good vitamins/minerals and are made with non-gmo soy.
I swear by Luna Bars. I like their lemon, lime, chai tea, and orange flavors. They have soy protein in them. I am lactose intolerant and they have no milk. They have about 180 calories in a bar. When I eat one I feel satisfied for hours. I use them mostly when I don't have time for breakfast before going to work, or around 4:00 when I get really hungry and don't have any convenient healthy food options.


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