Progress Pictures

Okay, after much encouragement (more like coercion - you know exactly who you are!) from other forum members I have decided to post some pictures of my progress. I was absolutely petrified to post them, and my sister and I were giggling when we took them because it felt so uncomfortable. Honestly, the pictures look so much better than I thought that they would! It is especially encouraging since at this time last year, I weighed 160#, and eight months before that I weighed 180#, two months after the birth of my third baby. I have no idea how much I weigh now, but it is so encouraging to see the results of eating right and working hard! There are some parts of my body that I am so embarassed to show, but overall I feel so good about how far I have come! I feel even better knowing that it wasn't starving myself or fad diets that did it, but I did it the right way: by working out and eating right, by changing my lifestyle.

The photos are in the first link. I have a long way to go, but have really come so far!

You look great and I congratulate you on losing it the right way! I still haven'y gotten up the nerve to take my pictures.... Maybe I will.:)

You've made great progress and should be so proud of youself! Susan
Missy! You look fantastic girl! And you are brave to post them. I still don't have the guts to take any! You should be proud of all your hard work!! It shows that you have been dedicated and i know it's not easy! I was up to 178 and had no baby excuses!
YAY for you!

Missy, you look fantastic! You have such a tiny, little waist!!! You should be proud of your accomplishments. Hey, where've you been anyhoo?

Michele:* :)
Michele, I have been around here and there every now and again! I have been pretty busy at home, though. I have been reading more and trying to get out since the weather has been so nice around here! It finally snowed last weekend, though. It IS winter! :p It is always good to see you. :)

You look gorgeous Missy! I've seen you in person too and you are a knock out!!!! Just stunning!

Great pix look fantastic. Congratulations on all of your hard work - it shows! Wow...what a teeny, tiny waist you have!
I think you look great too Missy! You can't tell that you have had three kids. Great Job!! You are beautiful and even more so in person! Hope to see you again soon.
Missy, you look awesome! Great pictures! I wish you would have put a before picture in there. Do you have any by chance?? Would you post a before? Great job girl! Woo hoo!

You look AWESOME!!! You are a silly girl for covering your LITTLE butt. You are such a dedicated person and you always motivate me.

I can't believe some forum members tried to coerce you into posting those pics. Shame on them! ;-) I'm just sure they're ashamed of themselves - whoever they might be!

I'm glad you posted your pics because you are an inspiration to those who might think it can't be done. You did it!!! Way to go!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France look awesome!! You really have worked hard for it. I think we are all a bit self conscious to post pics...:)...thank you for sharing and you should be proud...[/img] Carole
Missy, You look great! Congratulations on your progress! I am still working up the courage to post pics my progress pics ... Keep up the great work!
Cath :)

You're lovely! You look like someone who's never carried an extra pound in her life. And you have three children? No way! Wow!

I'm with the others, though. Show us some before pictures so we can see your progress.


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