Programming Note: Heaven

CRAP! I wanted to watch this but I am busy at work.I bet it was interesting. Soooo....did they find it????:) :) :) Can we take our workout videos with us?;)
Why is it that some people in the entertainment industry think that if they play a doctor/politician or whatever on TV/movies that they have the right to speak as such? I would not more take medical advice from Tom Cruise any faster than I would take political advice from Barbra Streisand! Celebrities - come back down to earth and get over yourselves!
Just Do It! :)
I missed this one, but I bet I'd have been rolling my eyes throughout the entire show. I'm sure some of it would have been interesting, but "the answers???" Please. If you know the answers, then you obviously aren't alive, anymore.

At any rate, my beliefs aren't very acceptable to most people, especially those who are devout Christians. I am spiritual, but not religious - the Bible doesn't do much for me. I've posted on religion forums before, and my beliefs aren't very welcome and I get called all sorts of nasty names, so I'll just save myself the agony here and keep my beliefs to myself. :)
LOL! Yeah, never thought of it that way, Michele.:p

ETA: I agree wholeheartedly about these stars thinking they have anything earth-shattering to share on a show like this. I'm also rolling my eyes. Since when do they have anything more in-depth to share with us on politics or religion than what we already know. Geez! We are not complete idiots or followers! Rolling my eyes again.
If you were called nasty names then you were obviously on a "religion" board and not a "spritual" board. I am very sorry. :( It makes me very angry when people who call themselves "christians" put others down for not seeing things the way they think they should. That is VERY against what Jesus taught and did. Even if you don't agree with the Bible, God gave us all free will to do and believe as we choose. Even though I feel VERY strongly about my faith and beliefs, it would never be right to look down on you for not agreeing with me, whether I am right or wrong.

Good for you Missy! I still have a lot of deep-rooted beliefs. However, I have NEVER considered myself intolerant to anyone. I have always found it fascinating unless it involved hurting innocent people or animals. Then, don't even consider me Christianly & forgiving.
Thanks you two! Yes, anyone who is intolerant of my beliefs I don't give much merit to, but their intolerance made posting on those other boards not very fun. I don't care how anyone else chooses to worship or believe, so long as others let me worship and believe how I choose to, as well. There should be no reason why we all can't discuss our differing beliefs philosophically, but in my experience, a few choose to take the path of basically saying, "You're wrong, because I say you are. You are going to burn in hell because you don't believe the Bible is a literal translation word-for-word..." or whatever that day's cause is. It tumbles into a downward spiral from there and suddenly no one wants to hear what I think; they just want to tell me what they think.

Religion and politics...there's just such a small middle ground there! :+

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