Problem with DVD Skipping


Hi everyone,

I tried to do Body Fusion for the first time today, although I bought it after my last pregnancy. It froze at the beginning of the second Cardio segment. This has happened on a couple of my other DVD's in the past, but I never got around to sending SNM an email about replacing them.

My question is to all of you - what DVD's have you had a freezing/skipping problem with? I have a few noted that I'm going to check (i.e. Stepblast/SJP, CircuitMax, Ab Hits.) I know I need to check my DVD collection to see which ones I have that don't work, but I would love to have a list of those known to have problems to start off with. I really think I only have three that are "skippers", but I only want to go through this process once!! Your input will be greatly appreciated!

BTW - I already got the 4DS replacements when they came out. And, I've tried another Player, it's not working in there, either.

Skipping DVD's

I also have noticed some of mine skipping. I've had problems with 4DS, Butts & Guts, and Drill Max. They skip in different places at different times. It's really frustrating to be in the middle of a workout and have it stall or skip! At first I thought it was my player, but none of my other DVD's do it.
I've never had problems with 4DS. I do remember reading that the 2006 releases had glitches when they first came out and SNM automatically replaced those. I purchased them about a year after release and they work fine. Some of my players don't like the Intensity/Body Blast workouts but other drives will handle them perfectly. Not sure what to tell you there. Do you have any other machines to test the discs with?
Have you guys tried cleaning the DVD player?

I had a problem with my newly purchased Hardcore Extreme (skipping, freezing). I was certain it was the DVD itself because my other Cathe DVDs played just fine. Before returning, I was instructed to at least try cleaning my player.

I popped in my DVD Lens Cleaner (Maxell), and it cured the problem.

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