Pregnancy after 40


New Member
Hi everyone. My DH and I are considering trying to conceive again. I was just wondering how many of you are 40 or older. I just turned 40 in January.
Hi Dawn!

I turned 40 in June...we've been contemplating a third for a bit over a year now. DD's are 13 and 4. DH really wants another, but somehow, I feel quite content with my two. Trouble is I'm getting outnumbered because both DD's want a baby around!

Honestly, this topic comes up ALL the time...daily!

I'd say go for it if you both have the urge.

Susan - happy birthday! I just turned 35 myself last week :)

I'm not one to have children very close together (my first and second will be 5 years apart!), so if we have another one (I hope), I'll probably be around 40 when it happens.

Thanks so much for all of your responses. Susan thanks for the great link. I can't wait to join all of you on a regular basis. Guess I'll go tell DH that we need to get busy. haha

Just thought I'd stop by and see who all the "mature" women are. Hee Hee. J/K you guys! You're awesome!!!!

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
I'm 41 and just had my third. My pregnancy went well. I did have placenta previa until my 27 week-but other than that I was fine. I did keep up my workout rountine 6 days a week (mostly Cathe workouts) and kept a pretty strict diet (no sweets or junk food). I had my baby girl 5 weeks ago and almost fit in my regular jeans. This was my best pregnancy yet!
Well, I'm 45, and will 46 when I have my fourth child. Just a regular type of pregnancy. Only now, I'm AMA! Advanced Maternal Age. Gosh its like I'm getting ready for the AARP!! (LOL!)

I teach various vintages of yoga, and now that I'm pregnant, sticking to gentle beginning yoga, prenatal yoga, basic and intermediate yoga. Walk a bit too, when it is not over 100 degrees outside (ick!).

I've been trying to take the Resist-a-ball Prenatal training here in Texas, but for the last two times it has been canceled. So I do what I can with the Ball in my prenatal class to help people realize that the ball can be used in labor too!

Gaileee, RYT

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