

I'm new. And I keep seeing mentions about the "pre-sale:. Does one get incredible deals with this and how often does it come around? Now that I am hooked on Cathe, I would buy at any time, but this does peak my interest considering I will be a Cathe believer for now on. I would buy a tape or DVD of hers if she had a workout for my fingers! Thank you!
Cathe does presales whenever she announces new workouts. Yes, you get incredible deals. For example right now all the HC's + Extreme sell for $279. I bought the entire series when it was first announced so only paid $159. The deal here though is that you are buying before they are even made so it may be 6 months until you get them. This is not a problem for me as I own everything Cathe has done so I'm not concerned whether or not I'll like the workout - I've never been disappointed! If you don't buy in the beginning the price starts to go after the first month the preseale price goes up to $169, then after another month $179, etc. So it pays to buy early. Also, you can buy the whole series or just the workouts you think you might be interested in.

I've been doing Cathe's presales since she started this practice and it has been very worthwhile for me! :) :)

Edited to add: for those of us that buy lots of videos, this is the way to go!!! :) :)

The pre-sales are really good deals. I didn't have the $$$ to go for the Hardcore presale before but now I have some saved up and stashed away for the next presale so I won't miss out.
Well, I can say now that I am going to be on the Presale bandwagon. I have eight Cathe workouts and I love all of them. I must say that they are high on the happily suffering meter. I love to workout and happily say at the end that I have not wasted my time. I guess I will be watching for this every day!
>I've been doing Cathe's presales since she started this
>practice and it has been very worthwhile for me! :) :)
>Edited to add: for those of us that buy lots of videos, this
>is the way to go!!! :) :)

I am new "Cather". I bought 7 of her DVDs so far. I was so surprised that even in ebay, her DVDs don't get discounted...I am glad that you provide this pre-sale information. I am definitely being sold in this pre-sale.

Will pre-sale be announced in her website only? Is there any way to get notified via e-mail?



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