Pre-op training


Hi everyone
45 y.o.I'm scheduled for an abdominal partial hysterectomy in 11 weeks and work out with Cathe at least 3-4 times per week. I feel like I should get into a more serious 'training mode' in anticipation of not being able to work out for the 6 weeks afterwards, and to speed recovery.

Any suggestions on a rotation to prepare for this and/or when I can expect to get back to regular, routine workouts?

Hi Marg,
I don't have the answer, but good luck and we will all be thinking about you. Please keep in touch with your recovery!!
Hey Marg!
I'm an RN, so of course will tell you to listen to your Dr. about when to resume exercise. For now I'd say do as you feel you should, and eat healthy. Remember we do have "muscle memory", so you may have to take a few weeks off, but you should be able to come back rather quickly, providing no complications.

Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes! You know we are pulling for you. Be sure to do your Incentive Spirometer post surgery and Cough, Deep Breathe, and walk.... the more you do, the quicker you will recover...

Marg, that is an entire 11 weeks you can work to be stronger & healthier. Someone else posted about muscle memory & I can vouch for them it exists. So do as much as you can in that area. Actually I've read 2 or 3 articles saying that muscular strength decreases a lot slower than cardiovascular strength. And guess what, your abs are not going to feel good for a while, but then they'll get back to normal. Then, you're going to be impatient for them to look good. So by all means, train them NOW!

The thing that kind of called out to me more about your post is, that if you are willing and able, I think it would definitely be beneficial to you at this time to really get into the best shape you can. See, your confidence & strength and your uplifted spirits will work wonders with you in a time of recovery. That way, you are even that more eager & ready to get back to "work" when the doc gives you the go ahead. Keep us abreast, will ya? We're here for you.

Thanks everyone for your support, encouragement and suggestions. I'm hoping that the Hardcore DVDs arrive soon so I can maximize the time I have pre-op to be in tip-top shape and have a smooth recovery without loosing too much strength and stamina. I've vowed to put all my videos, step, weights, etc. out of sight for the 6 - 8 weeks post-op so I won't be tempted to do anything.

Will keep you posted on the recovery:)
Thanks again
Hi Marg - I just had the same thing done in October and I am 40. I was in pretty rippin' shape prior to my surgery, but slacked the last month before it. I just couldn't concentrate and I really was afraid that I would hurt myself on the step. I have 2 little kids and I was trying to get everything organized.
My level of fitness helped me with the initial days of recovery. I was walking the next day and I only stayed at the hospital 2 nights instead of 4. I felt pretty good (my girlfriend who is about 80 lbs overweight didn't walk for 4 days).
It still takes 6 full weeks for soft tissue to recover. If you are going to have internal stitches, you will still have swelling and pain. I didn't even try to work out (other than strolling around the 'hood) for 10 weeks, and even then I started slowly. After 3 months, I am back up to prior levels, but last week I had some pain and went to see my doc. He took me off squats and high impact. I still have some pain and swelling if I go really overboard - I did an 11 mile hike this week that was vertical for the first 3 and I could feel the pain.
I'm not sure what the reason is for your hyst - mine was for bladder repair and I have to be really careful about impact if I want to preserve the work.
Good luck with your surgery - feel free to email me if you have more questions. If it makes you feel any better it really wasn't as invasive as I thought that it would be and I am so much healthier now. In the great scheme of life, a couple of weeks is no big deal and taking time off to really heal is worth it. Now you can be a hyster-sister!
Hi Melissa
Thanks so much for the encouragement and advice, it echoes much of what I've read on the Hyster Sisters web-site. So, I'll try to be in tip- top form and not worry about getting back to working out till my body and MD say go ahead.

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