pre-mix breakdown in 4 day split


Does anyone know where I can downloand the description of all the premixes on the 4 Day Split DVD? Thanks in advance

I don't have 4DS yet, but someone once made the premix list available, and I saved it. Hope it helps!

4 Day Split Premixes

LIS Cardio Only (37 minutes)
LIS warm up + cardio + cool down

HIS Cardio Only (33 minutes)
HIS warm up + cardio + cool down

All Upper Body Weights (67 minutes)
HIS chest & back
LIS shoulders
BC tris & bis

LIS and All Upper Body (103 minutes)
LIS cardio + cool down
HIS chest & back
LIS shoulders
BC bis & tris
LIS stretch

HIS and All Upper Body (100 minutes)
HIS cardio + cool down
HIS chest & back
LIS shoulders
BC bis & tris
HIS stretch

LIS Weights First (50 minutes)
LIS warm up
LIS shoulders
LIS cardio + cool down
LIS stretch

HIS Weights First (58 minutes)
HIS warm up
HIS chest & back
HIS cardio + cool down
HIS stretch

Double Cardio (57 minutes)
LIS warm up + cardio
HIS cardio + cool down
HIS stretch

Back & Biceps (25 minutes)
HIS supermans + 1 arm rows
BC biceps #1
HIS 1 arm rows
BC biceps #2
HIS barbell rows
BC biceps #3
HIS incline pullovers
BC biceps #4
HIS t-band flys

Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps (34 minutes)
HIS push ups
LIS overhead press
BC 1 arm press down
HIS push ups & incline db flyes
LIS lateral raise
BC dips & overhead extensions
HIS push ups + LIS isolation presses
BC seated dips
HIS push ups around the clock
LIS front & rear raise + rear flyes
External rotations
Lying extensions

Low Impact Circuit (69 minutes)
LIS warm up + combo/blast #1
HIS round 2
LIS combo/blast #2
LIS rounds 3 & 4
LIS combo/blast #3
BC round #4
LIS finished combos
LIS finished combos repeated
LIS core + stretch

Higher Intensity Circuit (65 minutes)
HIS warm up + combo/blast #1
HIS round 3
HIS round 5
HIS combo/blast #2
LIS round 2
LIS round 2 repeated
HIS combo/blast #3
BC round 2
HIS finished combo
HIS finished combo + cool down
LIS core
HIS stretch

Boot Camp Cardio Only (34 minutes)
BC warm up + drills + cool down
BC stretch

Kickbox Cardio Only (37 minutes)
KBX warm up + cardio + cool down
KBX stretch

Lower Body Weights (31 minutes)
KBX rounds 1-4
LIS calves

Total Body Weights (97 minutes)
KBX rounds 1-4
LIS calves
HIS chest & back
LIS shoulders
BC bis & tris

Boot Camp Weights First (62 minutes)
BC warm up
BC tris/bis rounds 1-4
BC cardio + cool down
BC stretch

Kickbox Weights First (71 minutes)
KBX warm up
KBX legs
KBX cardio + cool down
KBX core
KBX stretch
Part 2 :)

Boot Camp & Upper Body (105 minutes)
BC warm up + drills + cool down
HIS chest & back
LIS shoulders
BC bis & tris
BC stretch

Kickbox & Upper Body (103 minutes)
KBX warm up + cardio + cool down
HIS chest & back
LIS shoulders
BC bis & tris
KBX stretch

Cardio Power (53 minutes)
KBX warm up + cardio
BC cardio + cool down
BC stretch

Boot Camp Circuit Upper Body (61 minutes)
BC warm up + drills 1-4
HIS round 2
BC drills 5-8
BC round 3
BC round 3 repeated
BC drills 9-12
LIS rounds 3&4
KBX core + stretch

Boot Camp Circuit Lower Body (63 minutes)
BC warm up + drills 1-4
KBX round 1
BC drills 5-8
KBX round 2
BC drills 9-12
KBX round 3
KBX core + stretch

Main Workout Times:

Higher Intensity Step / Chest / Back
Total: 58 minutes
warm-up: 6
cardio: 21
stretch: 2
strength: 25
cool down: 4

Lower Intensity Step / Shoulders & Core
Total: 66 minutes
warm-up: 8
cardio: 22
stretch: 2
strength: 30
cool down: 4

Boot Camp / Biceps / Triceps
Total: 62 minutes
warm-up: 8
cardio: 20
stretch: 3
strength: 28
cool down: 3

Kickboxing / Legs & Core
Total: 71 minutes
warm-up: 12
cardio: 16
stretch: 3
strength: 34
cool down: 5
I also believe if you goto the premix screen, then click on a particular premix it will take you a screen that automatically give you the premix's breakdown.

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